AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Friday, December 11, 2009


I have another bumpy monkey, Gage is going to the dermatologist today and getting a skin tag/lump/wart/????----cut/froze/tied off his neck (up where it meets the back of his head). This bump was present after he was born and looked like a whitehead. It has grown fast and is very apparent it is not in the acne family.

I am not looking forward to this appointment, but it is what it is and I will put on my "big girl panties" for the afternoon.

It has to be something benign right, I mean there is no way it could be something that ends with the word OMA at the end.

He has not been sun bathing, fake baking, or smoking (that I know of), and if he has he sure is grounded!

I am sure it will be fine, just maybe a bit painful for him when it is removed.

1 comment:

  1. Why didnt u say anything bout the bump???? call me asap and let me know what it was..actually skip that texting u now
    love ya
