AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We have 3 out of 6 infected little men ears in our house right now. Our average is not looking good.

Thats HALF (for those who are not quick on there mathematical toes)

We had a good Christmas with the kids on Sunday (when Kollen got home). Our gift to the kids was to go to their favorite vacation spot, The G.reat W.olf Lodge, indoor waterpark and resort. We go this weekend and then Kollen goes back up North until spring break. He arrived out of sorts on Sunday with a sore ear and Monday we took him to the clinic he had a fever and dual ear infection. He is doing better now he has good meds on board. I missed that little squirt and am glad he is here.

The other munchkin (Gage), with a new nickname "fussy butt" fell to pieces all day yesterday and into the night. I came to conclusion he has fallen into middle brothers footsteps and also had a ear infection. Who needs a ear scope, give me a baby with weird breath (I can smell his ear infections, weird eh), falls to pieces for nothing, and is extra needy, gotta be a ear infection.

Daddy took him into the allergy doc this morning and sure enough my nose did not let me down, littlest munchkin is also a red ear monkey. You may be wondering why the "allergy doc" and not regular one, well the cliff notes are that....on top of most foods and seasonal chronic sinusitis, Gage is allergic to all antibiotics so far. We will be doing some more evasive testing next week because the doctor is concerned that he has no more antibiotic classes left to try. The testing will tell us if the reaction to the penicillin class of meds is a IgE reaction or IgG, to break that down if I am understanding correctly it means....

IgE reaction - could equal consequences that include but not limited to shock and death

IgG reaction - can be treated through and will just make him miserable during the treatment, it is more like a drug reaction then an immune system reaction.

A list of symptoms and meds so far are as follows (forgive spelling). I need to write this somewhere because it is starting to blend together.

Zithramicin - after 4 days, full body rash, swollen tongue with bumps
Amoxicilian - after 5 days, full body rash
Omnicef - after 2 days, full body rash, swollen hot red cheeks
Bactrim - after 24hours, (tried twice), red swollen hot cheeks

Today, after much studying, doc decided we should try Clindamycin. So here's to praying for a non-reaction to the "back pocket" antibiotic and we will deal with his teeth coming in stained yellow if we have to.

Fun times....
Speaking of fun times, daddy had his first full day with the boys yesterday and when he came to work to pass me the baby so he could take Kollen to the doctors, I walked out into the lobby....

Jer - looked very defeated
Gage - was crying
Kollen - was crying
Daimen - was fine

I almost turned around and went back inside, lol poor babies. I think my husband has a new found respect for mom's.

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