AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We have 3 out of 6 infected little men ears in our house right now. Our average is not looking good.

Thats HALF (for those who are not quick on there mathematical toes)

We had a good Christmas with the kids on Sunday (when Kollen got home). Our gift to the kids was to go to their favorite vacation spot, The G.reat W.olf Lodge, indoor waterpark and resort. We go this weekend and then Kollen goes back up North until spring break. He arrived out of sorts on Sunday with a sore ear and Monday we took him to the clinic he had a fever and dual ear infection. He is doing better now he has good meds on board. I missed that little squirt and am glad he is here.

The other munchkin (Gage), with a new nickname "fussy butt" fell to pieces all day yesterday and into the night. I came to conclusion he has fallen into middle brothers footsteps and also had a ear infection. Who needs a ear scope, give me a baby with weird breath (I can smell his ear infections, weird eh), falls to pieces for nothing, and is extra needy, gotta be a ear infection.

Daddy took him into the allergy doc this morning and sure enough my nose did not let me down, littlest munchkin is also a red ear monkey. You may be wondering why the "allergy doc" and not regular one, well the cliff notes are that....on top of most foods and seasonal chronic sinusitis, Gage is allergic to all antibiotics so far. We will be doing some more evasive testing next week because the doctor is concerned that he has no more antibiotic classes left to try. The testing will tell us if the reaction to the penicillin class of meds is a IgE reaction or IgG, to break that down if I am understanding correctly it means....

IgE reaction - could equal consequences that include but not limited to shock and death

IgG reaction - can be treated through and will just make him miserable during the treatment, it is more like a drug reaction then an immune system reaction.

A list of symptoms and meds so far are as follows (forgive spelling). I need to write this somewhere because it is starting to blend together.

Zithramicin - after 4 days, full body rash, swollen tongue with bumps
Amoxicilian - after 5 days, full body rash
Omnicef - after 2 days, full body rash, swollen hot red cheeks
Bactrim - after 24hours, (tried twice), red swollen hot cheeks

Today, after much studying, doc decided we should try Clindamycin. So here's to praying for a non-reaction to the "back pocket" antibiotic and we will deal with his teeth coming in stained yellow if we have to.

Fun times....
Speaking of fun times, daddy had his first full day with the boys yesterday and when he came to work to pass me the baby so he could take Kollen to the doctors, I walked out into the lobby....

Jer - looked very defeated
Gage - was crying
Kollen - was crying
Daimen - was fine

I almost turned around and went back inside, lol poor babies. I think my husband has a new found respect for mom's.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


8,736 hours ago at 8:06am December 17th 2008, this belly

Gave us this super sweet boucing 9lb 1oz, 21.5 inch Baby Boy

Who today has turned into my bouncing 1 year old Boy (even if he is not a morning person on his bday)

My baby is no longer a baby (well to everyone else that is), no longer a cute cuddly zero but a very brilliant

1 Year old toddler

Happy Birthday Little Man,! We Love You!

Coming Soon: A Birthday post is in the making and some pictures of him opening gifts and his first time at Chucky Cheese

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spaghetti 4 Beginners

On top of spaghetti all covered with love.....

This is the first time I’ve seen you

So I am not sure what to do

My brother helped, he showed me how

So we stuffed our mouths

and posed like a cow

To his shock and everyone’s surprise ...

It took mere m.i.n.u.t.e.s.....

Until I sucked it to bits


Love Gage

PS: Tomorrow is my 1st Birthday!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Daimen had his first concert as a musician on December 8th. He plays the umm trumpet, no, trumbin, no,no,wait, it is the,... Trombone, right?
12/16/09 UPDATE: Um he plays the French Horn, ack um, cough, I KNEW THAT!
I am not talented in much of anything, including but surely not limited to music, but to Daimen's great musical outlook, Jer is a guitar rockstar, Pappy a retarded um I mean retired band director, all Jeremy's sisters play/played an instrument, Mu plays the flute and sings wonderfully, his aunt Sarah graduate last year and is a band directorish (or heading that way), her husband, Uncle Andy just graduated as a soon to be band directorish, so the moral is Daimen still has a GReat future in the musical area without his mom's help *whew*.

Anyway, his concert was great and so crowded that I will need to watch the video to really listen (Gage was not a fan of the noise). We are going to watch it at Christmas with M&P plus Family.

Son, I am not musically edumakated, but Daimen, I don't have to understand notes, breaks, pauses (whatever you call them) to know that I am Proud.

(what are these for?)

(MOM take the stupid picture, I have no idea what to do with my Hands)

My two fancysmancy men

Another of my fancy man getting ready for the concert with a snack!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I have another bumpy monkey, Gage is going to the dermatologist today and getting a skin tag/lump/wart/????----cut/froze/tied off his neck (up where it meets the back of his head). This bump was present after he was born and looked like a whitehead. It has grown fast and is very apparent it is not in the acne family.

I am not looking forward to this appointment, but it is what it is and I will put on my "big girl panties" for the afternoon.

It has to be something benign right, I mean there is no way it could be something that ends with the word OMA at the end.

He has not been sun bathing, fake baking, or smoking (that I know of), and if he has he sure is grounded!

I am sure it will be fine, just maybe a bit painful for him when it is removed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


As I consumed with delight my new favorite food from my new favorite restaurant, chicken fried rice, the oil still coating my lips; I eagerly finished with Chinese desert (fortune cookie) & some chocolate chips….

We all know that the slip of paper in the fortune cookie is no longer a fortune but now some upbeat phrase printed from script. I am not sure when the fortune turned to a mundane combination of words that only seem better when you add “in bed” to the end, maybe when Cracker Jacks substituted the toy for a stupid mini baseball card? Either way we all still read them and I still make it fun & intimate by adding the two key words to the end. I have found very few fortunes that do not fit with those two words in the most hilarious way, but this fortune, this time, didn’t.

Is this what happens when a fortune cookie maker has a bad day?….

I could not help but giggle and re-read this slip of paper over and over, trying to find the common upbeat script I am used to. After turning the fortune over and seeing the Chinese word tutorial, which is usually words like, fun, food, sun, brother etc…I got this…

So my only conclusion is that on this day, this cookie maker was feeling anxious (jiao ji), upset, peeved at life in general. Maybe some guy ran over his puppy, stopped to help, tried to sell him a vacuum and then paid him not to shot him? So when he got to work at the fortune cookie sweat-shop, he decided to forgo the neutral positivity and instead quote Margaret Thatcher.
Instead of adding “in bed” to the end, I felt like I needed to look up this quote and now I choose to finish her quote, it should also include this at the end of my “Fortune”

“No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions. He had money as well.” (Margaret Thatcher)

Don’t mess with the fortune cookie maker.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Not Me Monday

It is therapy time.....Session 5

(join in on the "not me" Monday posts where you can confess your faults by not confessing) Head on over to Mckmama's blog at the creator of this kind of therapy.

I did not close my office door and take a nap at lunch today and I did not enjoy all 30mins of it. I was not proud of the red marks on my forehead and drool down my face confirming the deepness quality of my mid-day rest.


I did not encourage my youngest to finish knocking down his oldest brother’s card city.

I did not motorboat in the bath with Gage last week and did not giggle and think “ha, payback for pooing on me, boy”


I did not/do not let Gage streak through the house (praying for no pepe) on the way to his bath and did not follow him with the camera.

I did not send Daimen an email with these attachments because we do not call him bumpy monkey because of his amazing ability to sprout bumps all over for no apparent reason.


When Gage fell at daycare and received his first bruise on his head last month the second thing I did not say was “awesome we need a picture” , after forgetting to capture the memorable “first”, I did not make sure to take a picture of his first big mystery scratch and I did not post it on my blog like a proud mother of a bang-around boy.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Some things worth noting...

Gage said Mama about two weeks ago, in the middle of snot covered Hell weeks. He even says Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa *screech* when he wants me to pick him up.

He also cute his 8th tooth during hell week and as you can imagine that only added to the Fun, ha festivities.

Gage is still army crawling but wants to walk badly.

Gage & Daimen both got most of their flu vaccines (finally), so if Jer and I get the flu it will be more of a restful vacation because the kids shouldn’t be compromised.

Gage has slept through the night in his OWN bed the last 3 nights for the first time in, um, how do you say…EVER! (he just got his own room when we moved but has been sick since)

We got a new, awesome, not leaking Freon, 50% off thanks to Jer’s amazing shopping skills on black Friday, Trio Fridge. It is so amazing I will write more later.

Gage got his first spanking on the hand on Thanksgiving. He was grabbing my hair and pulling with a strong growl, when I stopped him and grabbed his hands and repeatedly said no, he just growled harder and snatched faster, so, I hand spanked him and he stopped. He now understands what “No” means, he doesn't necessarily like hearing or obeying it and voices that with a frustrating fussy grown but he “Get’s IT”.

He knows how to kiss (I call it smooches), it involves a wide open mouth and he kisses you and say “muuwaaw”, it is very cute. I ask for smooches and he usually complies and sometimes he does it for no good reason and it melts my heart.

Daimen who used to love everything “PIE” (no not just eating it but more about saying and drawing the word) is now all about “TOAST”, even in artist 3D

Daimen taught him how to do “noggins”, Daimen asks for noggins and Gage slowly head-butts him. I hope so much head banging won’t cause to much Drain Bamage.

He knows how to give a “High 5” and his new favorite video is naturally by Baby Genesis, and is favorite baby songs.

We have had 3 total takes in the last two weeks regarding my previous post titled “So Close”, I guess the warm bath is good for moving bowels.
(let me outta here, Someone crapped in the tub!!)

Daimen got straight A’s on his report card, brilliant that kid.

We are still not fully unpacked or settled and the realistic goal for that is….when the kids graduate, ha, no really, it is in January…..2011
I need to find time to get our Christmas Tree put up and pray real hard the Jer might find some Joy in it this year.

Kollen will be here in less than 4 weeks and we are excited.

Gage will be 1 in 15 days (do you frigging believe it??)

Kollen will be 8 on January 1st and we will be on a mini family vacation on his B-day Day.

Ok that is enough updates for now….

In another (long) note: I know most of you who read this blog (and never ever comment) are family/work colleagues and you are checking in on us, which is great and why I created it, however I feel like I need to write in a therapeutic way about some issues in life that are more personal in a diary kinda way. I do think family/work buds are the most amazing people in my life but not necessary always who you would want to or is appropriate to vent ALL personal issues.

I would like to include all aspects of my life on my blog, not just the rosy sunshine stuff and poop, but don’t think it is right to have a open forum when I am looking for opinions on events such as EX: when I am menstruating and how bad my cramps are??? How infertility still affects me mentally and ways I am trying work through it, any issues with work or my husband etc…..

I thought about making another blog to voice my embarrassing/personal views, experiences, issues, in regards to asking for advice on how to work on them without telling everyone I know in real life….

things such as “Jer and I got in a argument last night and I want a better way of dealing with my hot head towards his computer” , do you see how that would be inappropriate? I have come to the conclusion that I don’t want another blog, I want to write everything down in one place so when I am so old I can’t type, then I will publish it and read through my life. Sooo, in the most long winded explanation ever, you may see some posts that are password protected, and if you are family or a work colleague these are posts that You would not like to read as they will be asking advice on a issues to strangers so please don’t take it negatively because it is not meant to be. If you are one of the strangers out there that can give life’s advice please email me and I will give you the password.

Sometimes I can come across harsher than I mean to (ha, I Know News Flash, right!) so I am hoping that this time was not one of them. Love you guys

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sorry I have been MIA you see we have a BWI (baby with issues), Gage has been ill more times his first year than he has been well. The most recent was a now 3.5 week long stint of viruses followed by an ear infection which lead to another allergic reaction to his 3rd antibiotic in turn having to miss his flu shots twice and a large consumption of Benadryl, causing him for the second time to not be allowed to continue with his schedule allergy test at the allergy doctor who normally doesn't take patients under the age of two but our son has been now classified as "difficult" by his pediatrician due to the 3 allergy responses to antibiotics and what seems like every thing else new. We kept the appointment with the new allergy doc because we had to stop the antibiotic because of facial swelling and a body covering raised red rash before the above listed ear infection could clear up. Although we could not do the scratch test we did have to try a new rash causing antibiotic because of the resulting double ear infection that did not clear up with only 4 doses of the first drug before the bumps took over. Gage was put on a new, to take for a long time allergy medicine, nasal steroid and a new antibiotic but naturaly the swelling took charge and we had to discontinue after 5 doses and now we sit, hoping and praying that his infection is gone.

SIGH....give the kid a break already....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So Close

So Close

A lifetime presentation - Staring...
Daddy - Played by Jer, can be called DAaaad or DaDa
Gage - Played by our very mischievous and youngest spawn
ILLiar - Played by Meg or most known as Mom or Mama, ILLiar is petname by Jer

Main Setting.....Common Bathroom
Action....... Daddy and Gage taking a bath together

Secondary Setting......Living Room
Action.......Mommy (ILLiar) eating "dinner" having some ME time.

On of the greatest reality movie clips

Daddy: Gage what are you doing???
Daddy: Gage!
Daddy: Son?

Gage: *Grunt! Grunt! Grunt!*
Daddy: Gage, you are not pooping?
Daddy: Gage, no poopee in the tub!

Gage: *GRUuunt!*
Daddy: Gage I said NO!
ILLiar: *pauses TV and listens more closely*
Daddy: Gage, I mean it!

Gage: *Grunt Grunt* Giggle!
Daddy: Gage, did you poopy?
Gage: *Splash Splash* giggle!
Daddy: You DID poopy!!!
Daddy: *Shouting* ILLiarrrrrrrrrr, we got a problem in here!

ILLiar: Hahahahha *gets up to put "dinner" ice-cream in the freezer*
Daddy: Illiar please come here QUICKLY!

ILLiar: *Almost peeing pants* Hahahahahahahah
ILLiar: *Giggle Smirk Shout* Lift him out of the water, I am getting a towel, Don't let him touch the water

Goes in bathroom to see Gage being held in the air laughing, poo all over his bottom, Daddy squirming in the tub, the tub water with a large amount of extra smelly brown friends , some of "it" floating some stuck on the bottom.
ILLiar: Well atleast we know he's not constipated. hahahahhahaha

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where's Waldo/Daimen

hmmm where oh where arth my eldest son????

Oh there he be.............................................

It took several attempts with a broom, a exciting then disappointing appointment with the leaf blower, but finally, after a rake was purchased, the eldest "thing" was able to create a nice itchy leaf pile to inhabit.....

Monday, November 9, 2009


I was going to start a post about how sick I am about my baby being sick and tell you that he now has Croup, however he is going to get better and there is something else that needs to be said....

Please pray for baby Stellan, I have posted about him in the past here..
and here..

Baby Stellan just turned a year old and spent his first birthday in the hospital in the cardiac intensive care unit in a quickly and devastating onset of his SVT (super ventricular tachycardia (super fast hearbeat)). This time it hit him quick and hard enough that the surgery for another ablation at Boston's Children's Hospital was scheduled a year early than the dr. would have liked. Another ablation means more than likely destruction of the AV node and a pacemaker for life for this little guy.

Well his mom had to two days with Stellan at home from his last hospitalization and then had to fly him to Boston to stay for 4 days to test, weaning heart meds and to do his surgery. On Sunday his mom was told to not give him his morning meds and to have him admitted at lunchtime for complete med weaning but Stellan went into SVT hours after the missed dose and was admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit PCICU.

As of last night they could not break him out of SVT and his heart was beating at a dangerous 270 beats per minute and his blood pressures were awful 43/13 remember normal is 120/80. He made it clear that surgery would not wait until Tuesday so the doctors are scrambling, however now they are having trouble stabilizing him enough to go into surgery. His tiny little heart quit beating this morning but did come back after it was shocked but it still remains in SVT and he is not even close to stable. His mom is there alone and her husband is trying to get a earlier flight. Her twitter messages are painful to read, I have been following her life through her blog since she was 20wks pregnant with Stellan and his heart was in SVT and she was told he would not make it out of her womb alive. Stellan is a fighter but after 5 or more hospitalizations and weeks of SVT it seems as though it is hitting harder and faster, his little body is having trouble keeping up. I am so worried for this baby i have never met and want to fly to Boston and hug his mother. So please drop to your knees and pray for this little man and his family today, I have and will continue.

Friday, November 6, 2009

FaCe Off

The many faces of our youngest (changing to quickly) little Drama King the 3rd.....
the last 2 months

Stay tuned for the older and original "Drama King's" faces of 2009