AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Gifted, I do not mean the "special" way, if so I would be talking about myself.

Gifted, as in my wonderfully brilliant first born and his end of the year project for his Gifted and Talented class.

Daimen's Twin Towers Project (pictured below with his project and teacher).
Daimen is such a bright soul and blessed with a large amount of intelligence way beyond his age. He has been in the gifted and talented program since 1st grade. Sadly his teacher is retiring this year which makes this project viewing extra special.
*(above) Daimen hugging his gifted teacher for the last time, "we will miss you Mrs. S and good luck on your future endeavor"*

He picked the Twin Towers as his project building and worked hard all year constructing it (twice even, more about that in a second) to scale and including a power point presentation about the towers. I must say *blushing* I am so proud of this young man. He is so talented in so many areas (gets that from me, ha) that I can not wait to see what he picks to be when he grows up. Whatever he chooses to do, I am certain he will be successful, he wouldn't have it any other way.
I don't want to say much more because his 11th birthday is around the corner and I am already thinking about my letter to him and I do know it will include something about his obsession to always be perfect (which is a flaw, ha that is deep).

Daimen your project is amazing and I am so very proud of you and all the hard work you put in it. I am also amazed by your maturity after one of your building got ruined by the spray paint and you and Jer had to drive to town, buy supplies, and spent hours putting together a whole new tower. You were quite upset, but realized that was not getting you project any closer to being finished, so you put on your big boy pants and fixed it, like a young man. It turned out so well you received an award for the top 20, that is wonderful, I love you son.
I don't want to say much more because his 11th birthday is around the corner and I am already thinking about my letter to him and I do know it will include something about his obsession to always be perfect (which is a flaw, ha that is deep).
(Below), a picture of last years project. He had to make a model city, with his own buildings, rules, roads, etc.....

1 comment:

  1. WOW Daimen. GREAT JOB.

    Megan you have such a brilliant boy and I would have to agree he gets it from you.
