AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ROad TriP

We are packing the kids, throwing everyone in the rollerskate sized car and heading east to see the Grandparents. We will be traveling through the night (as to cut down on the "oh my bottom is sore temper tantrums) and hope to get there within 12-14 hours. FUN times, I am sure of it, haha. We will have a great time visiting for 3 days and then we do the torture trip home again.

We Can DO IT!

Yes we can! (ha)

We will make it! (maybe not with all my hair intact, but as long as I am not bald)

We can DO IT!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it. Phe.nergan.

    Kidding, but only just!


