I am talking more about myself and my need for 8 hands while changing my hyper 6.5 month old's dirty diappee. Gage has figured out how to push you away, flip around, throw his gigantic legs down, and slap your wipe toting hands as you are trying to clean bum filth.
In the past it was a big task just trying to keep my hands and the changing pad clean while cleaning the baby booty, now we are in a whole new level of difficulty. Sometimes I feel like I am in a new video game named bum nugget battles on the POo Station 360 and I am fighting the boss, all I can think of is more hands and I might win one (and imagine how easy grocery shopping would be)

TO GAGE: for the love of all things holy and clean, please oh please child, KEEP your hands away from your bottom when it is dirty and I am "cleaning it", because we both know the next step in that sequence is .... INSERT into mouth.
TO THE PAPER/ROCK/SCISSORS WIZARD: why O why do I always have to LOOSE the P/R/S battle with Jer when Gage has a stinky?????
Some darling pics of my super squirmy stinky pants...
Poo. A subject so very close to my own heart and the gift that keeps on giving recycled raisins.