Here is the 4th month (left to right), 5th month, and 6th month growth comparison! WOW
As stated in previous post, because month 5 was full of fever, vomit, and poo (if you have nothing good to say don’t blog it) I did not get a chance to write Gage’s 5 month letter. So, here is a combo of month 5 & 6.
As stated in previous post, because month 5 was full of fever, vomit, and poo (if you have nothing good to say don’t blog it) I did not get a chance to write Gage’s 5 month letter. So, here is a combo of month 5 & 6.
You have grown so much in the last two months, not just physically, your personality and milestones/tricks. Let’s start with the negatives to get them out of the way.
Month 5 had a lot of first for you:
You had your second round of shots (late of course thanks to the numerous viruses you have managed to get you cells on).
You had your first fever in month 5 from another stomach virus which produced terribly painful gas and lead us to give you your first taste of Mylanta (you love the taste).
You had your first sinus infection which lead to your first time on antibiotics which turned into your first allergic reaction (swollen bumpy tongue, head to toe rash, and lets not forget tons of sleepless nights) in turn lead to your first doses of benydrl.
Onto the positives, firsts, and cuteness
You got to meet Vic & Deb for the first time and they just loved you to pieces. While they were here you had your first trip to the zoo, game of horse shoes, and BBQ. It was a great week and you were very well behaved.
Your appointment on May 29th (5months 2weeks) you weighed in at 21lbs 10oz with a whopping vertical measurement of 28 ¼ inches, you are a big boy and I love every bit.
You started laughing more and at more inanimate things, so cute, we are at your mercy and will do just about anything to hear that sound.
I am not sure which category this one fits into, you have figured out how to grab a fist full or two of your un-expecting mom’s hair and pulling it to your face will allow for slimy kisses at will, it sure hurts but ends with a sweet surprise.
During all your illness you did develop one super cute trait, a desire to squeeze a huggy (any kind of blanket, stuffed animal, or my hair) while sleeping. One of my favorite pics, you and your huggy (I see future black mail in this picture).
Moving on to month 6, and by moving I mean rolling all over the place.
Gage you finally figured out how to roll 360 degrees, constantly I might add. Once you learn a new trick you practice constantly, I have a feeling your ferocious trick training may become interesting in the future (as interesting as a new drummer spending 20 hours on the drums in an apartment above you).
Now that you mastered rolling, your creeping has improved; your favorite place to be is on the carpet on a blanket with your toys all around. Sometimes a loud thud means you are across the room hitting various body parts on hard furniture surfaces (we need a pen um play pen that is).
You started babbling this past month and you also practice a lot. In addition to AHHHHHH you have added, blah blah blah, da da da, ma ma ma, ya ya ya (no you have not figured out that da da and ma ma are real words describing real people yet).
Raspberries anyone? Not the fruity kind but more like the drooly kind. With the drool from these and teething you now have to adorn a bib every minute your awake or your clothes will be soak as if in a drool pool within minutes.
Gage you have a weird relationship with remote controls, kind of a love/hate thing. If someone has the remote you want it and are willing to climb for it, however if they are set on the arm of the chair in a reachable distance you will evict them to the floor without a moments notice.
Cell phones, child is this your way of telling us you are going to be an expensive teenager? We can not talk on the phone or have it anywhere in sight because you go into an excited fit of fumbling hands and body contortion to get your paws on it. We even put you on your feet while holding your upper body and dangled the cell phone in your line of sight (kinda like a horse and carrot) and you took off walking your way to the phone, you only do this trick for cell phones and bottles, hmmm electronics and food motivate you, sounds like someone else I know that made up have your DNA.
Bananas, not my mindset but you got to try bananas this month, you loved them and I could not shovel them fast enough so you tried to take over the spoon the whole time. Unfortunately you had stomach issues right after the bananas so we had to discontinue for the time being and I am going to make your food at home seeing your stomach seems real sensitive.
In the picture below you look very much like your cousin Nolan (see the Easter post to refresh who Nolan is).
Your eyes are changing, from blue to silver and now becoming brown from the pupil out. Pictured below is you eye at 6 weeks and 6 months

Since you are half a year old I thought I would show how much your face has also changed, here is your precious six week (left) next to your current little man face.

As you can see you have been real busy and keeping us busy also. We love you sweet boy and even if you wake me at the bum(this blog is rated PG) crack of dawn I cannot help but smiling and enjoying our one on one time (even if it is 3 stinking am).

Since you are half a year old I thought I would show how much your face has also changed, here is your precious six week (left) next to your current little man face.

As you can see you have been real busy and keeping us busy also. We love you sweet boy and even if you wake me at the bum(this blog is rated PG) crack of dawn I cannot help but smiling and enjoying our one on one time (even if it is 3 stinking am).
Love your over-worked, over-tired, but mostly over-joyed Mother
I am impressed that you can get such a clear picture of Gage's eyes like that. My two's perpetual motion and my crappy camera means I just get blur :)