I have lots to NOT confess, my 2nd therapy session….
While doing grocery shopping this week I did not decide that the boys needed my favorite (more like an addiction and cannot have them in the house, like putting crack in a addicts cupboard and thinking they won’t touch it) chocolate chip pop tarts for breakfast (a huge box). Did NOT see fit to bring them home and consume (or devour like a piranha in a goldfish tank) 1200 calories worth of delicious chocolate pastry before letting the boys know we had some (in which they got 1 out of a box of 8 before the box was empty the next day), NOT ME, No way.
I am a grown responsible women and would not have altered one of my baby’s pictures into looking like the spawn of me and PaPa Smurf, NOT ME, and I did not share it with Julie and joke about my affair with the cartoon character and show her the picture of our spawn, after all I am not 10 and have way more important things to do, NOT ME!

When Kollen prematurely ran out of panties I Did Not just say “go without until I find or clean some” because I was just too tired/lazy to get out of my chair, I did not forget about his panties until two days later when I found some in the wash. I also would never call my son’s underwear panties, to their face nor on my blog, panties are what girls wear, I know that so I wouldn’t do that, nope NOT ME.
When Gage’s second tooth started making its presence known, I did not look into getting him this pacifier (pic below) and was not singing “all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth”. Teething is painful, I would not make light of it, NOT ME!

While bathing Gage (since he seems to be a water bug) I did not get tired of stopping him from flipping over on his belly, have Jer get me the camera, let him try the new trick, and capture a picture of him after he dunked his face in the water (as I knew he would). I know babies can drown and that any cautious mom would not let him experience a face full of water, NOT ME!
I Did not let out a Giggle when Gage took a mis-step in creeping and fell on his face on the carpet, that would be awful of anyone especially a mom, NOT ME!
And lastly, I Did Not sarcastically whisper under my breath “well at least you are not full of PoO anymore” when Jer was in the middle of a really bad upset stomach and spent most of the evening on the toilet, how uncaring of a person would do that, NOT ME, I am a nicer and more mature wife than that.
*now I know you may be disappointed, but I did not take a picture of that (maybe next time)*
Oh my. I want to know where to get a pacifier like that. I'd NEVER use it :)