Yes it is that time again, let's lay our heads on the faded fake leather couch and commence with therapy session #3
When my older boys came back from the pool, I did not make them take off their swimsuits outside on the deck during daylight hours because I didn’t want water spread through the house. I also did not giggle as their white little hinny’s streaked through the house to the back bedroom; I am also not laughing now as I remember the event and write it down, no way, NOT ME.
I did not let Gage taste dark chocolate several times and laugh hysterically at the slurping faces he made (video soon I hope), I know better than to give a baby chocolate, I swear I wouldn’t do that, NOT ME.
When Gage had tons of gas this past week I did not prop him with his stomach across mine and dangle my cell phone in front of him with no intentions of giving it to him, like a tease so he would grunt and strain to reach it therefore expelling gas from both ends, no way, NOT ME, that would be mean.
This weekend I did not gauge whether I needed to bath by how bitter my underarms smelt instead of the numbers of days since the last good cleaning (which was a few nights too many), how disgusting do you think I am, no way NOT ME, I have ALL the time in the world to clean my body daily.
.......NOT ME MONDAY was created by Mckmama at www.mycharmingkids.net, I have been following her for awhile now and if have seen my blog a few months past I have posted a couple times about her 8 month old infant son Stellan, who was not suppose to make it to birth because of uncontrollable SVT (fast heart beat) at 20wks in-utero. He was born and his heart appeared healed, that is until a few months ago when it came back and he spent over a month in the hospital, even air-lifted to Boston’s Children’s Hospital for a risky heart surgery. The surgery only worked partially and they have since been able to control his heart with meds, until now that is, Stellan is doing awful, he has been in uncontrollable SVT for days now, his kidneys are failing, temperature is in the 94’s, extremities are not receiving adequate blood flow and so much more. Mckmama last tweet was that they were again airlifting him to Boston however she is not sure if it is to late. I have never met this baby but feel so close to him and his family (he has 3 brothers and sisters all under 4). Please hug you babies extra close tonight no matter how old they are and say a prayer for baby Stellan, I know I will.
Here is a picture of Stellan during his last hospitalization
I did not let Gage taste dark chocolate several times and laugh hysterically at the slurping faces he made (video soon I hope), I know better than to give a baby chocolate, I swear I wouldn’t do that, NOT ME.
When Gage had tons of gas this past week I did not prop him with his stomach across mine and dangle my cell phone in front of him with no intentions of giving it to him, like a tease so he would grunt and strain to reach it therefore expelling gas from both ends, no way, NOT ME, that would be mean.
This weekend I did not gauge whether I needed to bath by how bitter my underarms smelt instead of the numbers of days since the last good cleaning (which was a few nights too many), how disgusting do you think I am, no way NOT ME, I have ALL the time in the world to clean my body daily.
.......NOT ME MONDAY was created by Mckmama at www.mycharmingkids.net, I have been following her for awhile now and if have seen my blog a few months past I have posted a couple times about her 8 month old infant son Stellan, who was not suppose to make it to birth because of uncontrollable SVT (fast heart beat) at 20wks in-utero. He was born and his heart appeared healed, that is until a few months ago when it came back and he spent over a month in the hospital, even air-lifted to Boston’s Children’s Hospital for a risky heart surgery. The surgery only worked partially and they have since been able to control his heart with meds, until now that is, Stellan is doing awful, he has been in uncontrollable SVT for days now, his kidneys are failing, temperature is in the 94’s, extremities are not receiving adequate blood flow and so much more. Mckmama last tweet was that they were again airlifting him to Boston however she is not sure if it is to late. I have never met this baby but feel so close to him and his family (he has 3 brothers and sisters all under 4). Please hug you babies extra close tonight no matter how old they are and say a prayer for baby Stellan, I know I will.
Here is a picture of Stellan during his last hospitalization

I need a favor,,,,,I can only read Mckmama's blog on my blackberry because of work restrictions and awful home internet (shiver, dial up), so I am asking if any of my readers do/could go to mycharmingkids.net and grab the new NOT ME MONDAY button and email it to me, I would love you forever, or just be really grateful. She did not post a NOT ME MONDAY post today for obvious reason but if you look through the archives you will find one from not long ago. Pssst while you are there say a prayer for little Stellan.
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