I was going to start a post about how sick I am about my baby being sick and tell you that he now has Croup, however he is going to get better and there is something else that needs to be said....
Please pray for baby Stellan, I have posted about him in the past here..
and here..
Baby Stellan just turned a year old and spent his first birthday in the hospital in the cardiac intensive care unit in a quickly and devastating onset of his SVT (super ventricular tachycardia (super fast hearbeat)). This time it hit him quick and hard enough that the surgery for another ablation at Boston's Children's Hospital was scheduled a year early than the dr. would have liked. Another ablation means more than likely destruction of the AV node and a pacemaker for life for this little guy.
Well his mom had to two days with Stellan at home from his last hospitalization and then had to fly him to Boston to stay for 4 days to test, weaning heart meds and to do his surgery. On Sunday his mom was told to not give him his morning meds and to have him admitted at lunchtime for complete med weaning but Stellan went into SVT hours after the missed dose and was admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit PCICU.
As of last night they could not break him out of SVT and his heart was beating at a dangerous 270 beats per minute and his blood pressures were awful 43/13 remember normal is 120/80. He made it clear that surgery would not wait until Tuesday so the doctors are scrambling, however now they are having trouble stabilizing him enough to go into surgery. His tiny little heart quit beating this morning but did come back after it was shocked but it still remains in SVT and he is not even close to stable. His mom is there alone and her husband is trying to get a earlier flight. Her twitter messages are painful to read, I have been following her life through her blog http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ since she was 20wks pregnant with Stellan and his heart was in SVT and she was told he would not make it out of her womb alive. Stellan is a fighter but after 5 or more hospitalizations and weeks of SVT it seems as though it is hitting harder and faster, his little body is having trouble keeping up. I am so worried for this baby i have never met and want to fly to Boston and hug his mother. So please drop to your knees and pray for this little man and his family today, I have and will continue.
Please pray for baby Stellan, I have posted about him in the past here..
and here..
Baby Stellan just turned a year old and spent his first birthday in the hospital in the cardiac intensive care unit in a quickly and devastating onset of his SVT (super ventricular tachycardia (super fast hearbeat)). This time it hit him quick and hard enough that the surgery for another ablation at Boston's Children's Hospital was scheduled a year early than the dr. would have liked. Another ablation means more than likely destruction of the AV node and a pacemaker for life for this little guy.
Well his mom had to two days with Stellan at home from his last hospitalization and then had to fly him to Boston to stay for 4 days to test, weaning heart meds and to do his surgery. On Sunday his mom was told to not give him his morning meds and to have him admitted at lunchtime for complete med weaning but Stellan went into SVT hours after the missed dose and was admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit PCICU.
As of last night they could not break him out of SVT and his heart was beating at a dangerous 270 beats per minute and his blood pressures were awful 43/13 remember normal is 120/80. He made it clear that surgery would not wait until Tuesday so the doctors are scrambling, however now they are having trouble stabilizing him enough to go into surgery. His tiny little heart quit beating this morning but did come back after it was shocked but it still remains in SVT and he is not even close to stable. His mom is there alone and her husband is trying to get a earlier flight. Her twitter messages are painful to read, I have been following her life through her blog http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ since she was 20wks pregnant with Stellan and his heart was in SVT and she was told he would not make it out of her womb alive. Stellan is a fighter but after 5 or more hospitalizations and weeks of SVT it seems as though it is hitting harder and faster, his little body is having trouble keeping up. I am so worried for this baby i have never met and want to fly to Boston and hug his mother. So please drop to your knees and pray for this little man and his family today, I have and will continue.
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