Some new happenings from our tiniest little man (who somehow has the capabilities to produce more snot and poo than anyone of us):
Last week Gage cut two more teeth through at the same time and a third is knocking on the pain inducing swelled red gums of his poor little mouth. His teeth come in so fast that his gums do not have time to respond and heal around the tooth as it moves down so as the tooth advances his gums just turn black and rip open, all red and sometimes bloody, NOT NICE TOOTH FAIRY. Here is a image of the teeth he has now
Last week Gage cut two more teeth through at the same time and a third is knocking on the pain inducing swelled red gums of his poor little mouth. His teeth come in so fast that his gums do not have time to respond and heal around the tooth as it moves down so as the tooth advances his gums just turn black and rip open, all red and sometimes bloody, NOT NICE TOOTH FAIRY. Here is a image of the teeth he has now
He loves to play music with Daddy
Crawling - crawling is more like what... hmmmmm*how to put gently*, like a army crawl if your legs were broken and only your feet, elbows, and the side to side motion of your baby booty and over-sized melon propelled you forward. So cute and unique is my child...
He now has 3 "words" in his vocab that he uses in the correct manner
· Daddy ("DaDa") – he knows who dada is and acknowledges him when he enters the room
· Jabba ("Ja-Yaa") – he calls for the dog as he chases her in his walker
· Cat ("nuct nuct") - he calls for our cat Merlin by clicking his tongue and making the nuct nuct nuct sound. When the cat walks by, Gage clicks “nuct nuct”, if you ask “where is the (nuct nuct or the kitty)", Gage looks for him and clicks “nuct nuct…”. It is my favorite!!
Onto the Largest of our poo producing offspring that harnesses the power or brilliance beyond his age.
I have to speak in code (what I can remember from my youth that is) just in case our other munchkins read this, I don’t want to blow it for them.
Daimen has come clean with his knowledge that
antaSay isA otNay ealRay
and he has known for two years when he
ustedBay isHay arentsPay uttingPay ouTay resentsPay hristmasCay Eva
I have to speak in code (what I can remember from my youth that is) just in case our other munchkins read this, I don’t want to blow it for them.
Daimen has come clean with his knowledge that
antaSay isA otNay ealRay
and he has known for two years when he
ustedBay isHay arentsPay uttingPay ouTay resentsPay hristmasCay Eva
2 Years Ago!
He played along so he would get more resentsPay from antaSay
What a little toot, we have been wondering when he would catch on, most kids ask questions years ago, mine just keeps it to himself because telling his parents is not in his benefit, oh boy!
He did to promise to continue the ecretSay for his brother’s sake and
help me with the resentsPay by hoppinSay, rappingWay, and Displaying
He played along so he would get more resentsPay from antaSay
What a little toot, we have been wondering when he would catch on, most kids ask questions years ago, mine just keeps it to himself because telling his parents is not in his benefit, oh boy!
He did to promise to continue the ecretSay for his brother’s sake and
help me with the resentsPay by hoppinSay, rappingWay, and Displaying
Looks like we have ourselves a new Elf-Say, what a visual difference from the Zombie child in the last post..
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