AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So Close

So Close

A lifetime presentation - Staring...
Daddy - Played by Jer, can be called DAaaad or DaDa
Gage - Played by our very mischievous and youngest spawn
ILLiar - Played by Meg or most known as Mom or Mama, ILLiar is petname by Jer

Main Setting.....Common Bathroom
Action....... Daddy and Gage taking a bath together

Secondary Setting......Living Room
Action.......Mommy (ILLiar) eating "dinner" having some ME time.

On of the greatest reality movie clips

Daddy: Gage what are you doing???
Daddy: Gage!
Daddy: Son?

Gage: *Grunt! Grunt! Grunt!*
Daddy: Gage, you are not pooping?
Daddy: Gage, no poopee in the tub!

Gage: *GRUuunt!*
Daddy: Gage I said NO!
ILLiar: *pauses TV and listens more closely*
Daddy: Gage, I mean it!

Gage: *Grunt Grunt* Giggle!
Daddy: Gage, did you poopy?
Gage: *Splash Splash* giggle!
Daddy: You DID poopy!!!
Daddy: *Shouting* ILLiarrrrrrrrrr, we got a problem in here!

ILLiar: Hahahahha *gets up to put "dinner" ice-cream in the freezer*
Daddy: Illiar please come here QUICKLY!

ILLiar: *Almost peeing pants* Hahahahahahahah
ILLiar: *Giggle Smirk Shout* Lift him out of the water, I am getting a towel, Don't let him touch the water

Goes in bathroom to see Gage being held in the air laughing, poo all over his bottom, Daddy squirming in the tub, the tub water with a large amount of extra smelly brown friends , some of "it" floating some stuck on the bottom.
ILLiar: Well atleast we know he's not constipated. hahahahhahaha

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