Sorry I have been MIA you see we have a BWI (baby with issues), Gage has been ill more times his first year than he has been well. The most recent was a now 3.5 week long stint of viruses followed by an ear infection which lead to another allergic reaction to his 3rd antibiotic in turn having to miss his flu shots twice and a large consumption of Benadryl, causing him for the second time to not be allowed to continue with his schedule allergy test at the allergy doctor who normally doesn't take patients under the age of two but our son has been now classified as "difficult" by his pediatrician due to the 3 allergy responses to antibiotics and what seems like every thing else new. We kept the appointment with the new allergy doc because we had to stop the antibiotic because of facial swelling and a body covering raised red rash before the above listed ear infection could clear up. Although we could not do the scratch test we did have to try a new rash causing antibiotic because of the resulting double ear infection that did not clear up with only 4 doses of the first drug before the bumps took over. Gage was put on a new, to take for a long time allergy medicine, nasal steroid and a new antibiotic but naturaly the swelling took charge and we had to discontinue after 5 doses and now we sit, hoping and praying that his infection is gone.
SIGH....give the kid a break already....

AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
So Close
So Close
A lifetime presentation - Staring...
Daddy - Played by Jer, can be called DAaaad or DaDa
Gage - Played by our very mischievous and youngest spawn
ILLiar - Played by Meg or most known as Mom or Mama, ILLiar is petname by Jer
Main Setting.....Common Bathroom
Action....... Daddy and Gage taking a bath together
Secondary Setting......Living Room
Action.......Mommy (ILLiar) eating "dinner" having some ME time.
On of the greatest reality movie clips
Daddy: Gage what are you doing???
Daddy: Gage!
Daddy: Son?
Gage: *Grunt! Grunt! Grunt!*
Daddy: Gage, you are not pooping?
Daddy: Gage, no poopee in the tub!
Gage: *GRUuunt!*
Daddy: Gage I said NO!
ILLiar: *pauses TV and listens more closely*
Daddy: Gage, I mean it!
Gage: *Grunt Grunt* Giggle!
Daddy: Gage, did you poopy?
Gage: *Splash Splash* giggle!
Daddy: You DID poopy!!!
Daddy: *Shouting* ILLiarrrrrrrrrr, we got a problem in here!
ILLiar: Hahahahha *gets up to put "dinner" ice-cream in the freezer*
Daddy: Illiar please come here QUICKLY!
ILLiar: *Almost peeing pants* Hahahahahahahah
ILLiar: *Giggle Smirk Shout* Lift him out of the water, I am getting a towel, Don't let him touch the water
Goes in bathroom to see Gage being held in the air laughing, poo all over his bottom, Daddy squirming in the tub, the tub water with a large amount of extra smelly brown friends , some of "it" floating some stuck on the bottom.
ILLiar: Well atleast we know he's not constipated. hahahahhahaha
A lifetime presentation - Staring...
Daddy - Played by Jer, can be called DAaaad or DaDa
Gage - Played by our very mischievous and youngest spawn
ILLiar - Played by Meg or most known as Mom or Mama, ILLiar is petname by Jer
Main Setting.....Common Bathroom
Action....... Daddy and Gage taking a bath together
Secondary Setting......Living Room
Action.......Mommy (ILLiar) eating "dinner" having some ME time.
On of the greatest reality movie clips
Daddy: Gage what are you doing???
Daddy: Gage!
Daddy: Son?
Gage: *Grunt! Grunt! Grunt!*
Daddy: Gage, you are not pooping?
Daddy: Gage, no poopee in the tub!
Gage: *GRUuunt!*
Daddy: Gage I said NO!
ILLiar: *pauses TV and listens more closely*
Daddy: Gage, I mean it!
Gage: *Grunt Grunt* Giggle!
Daddy: Gage, did you poopy?
Gage: *Splash Splash* giggle!
Daddy: You DID poopy!!!
Daddy: *Shouting* ILLiarrrrrrrrrr, we got a problem in here!
ILLiar: Hahahahha *gets up to put "dinner" ice-cream in the freezer*
Daddy: Illiar please come here QUICKLY!
ILLiar: *Almost peeing pants* Hahahahahahahah
ILLiar: *Giggle Smirk Shout* Lift him out of the water, I am getting a towel, Don't let him touch the water
Goes in bathroom to see Gage being held in the air laughing, poo all over his bottom, Daddy squirming in the tub, the tub water with a large amount of extra smelly brown friends , some of "it" floating some stuck on the bottom.
ILLiar: Well atleast we know he's not constipated. hahahahhahaha
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Where's Waldo/Daimen
hmmm where oh where arth my eldest son????
Oh there he be.............................................
It took several attempts with a broom, a exciting then disappointing appointment with the leaf blower, but finally, after a rake was purchased, the eldest "thing" was able to create a nice itchy leaf pile to inhabit.....
Monday, November 9, 2009

I was going to start a post about how sick I am about my baby being sick and tell you that he now has Croup, however he is going to get better and there is something else that needs to be said....
Please pray for baby Stellan, I have posted about him in the past here..
and here..
Baby Stellan just turned a year old and spent his first birthday in the hospital in the cardiac intensive care unit in a quickly and devastating onset of his SVT (super ventricular tachycardia (super fast hearbeat)). This time it hit him quick and hard enough that the surgery for another ablation at Boston's Children's Hospital was scheduled a year early than the dr. would have liked. Another ablation means more than likely destruction of the AV node and a pacemaker for life for this little guy.
Well his mom had to two days with Stellan at home from his last hospitalization and then had to fly him to Boston to stay for 4 days to test, weaning heart meds and to do his surgery. On Sunday his mom was told to not give him his morning meds and to have him admitted at lunchtime for complete med weaning but Stellan went into SVT hours after the missed dose and was admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit PCICU.
As of last night they could not break him out of SVT and his heart was beating at a dangerous 270 beats per minute and his blood pressures were awful 43/13 remember normal is 120/80. He made it clear that surgery would not wait until Tuesday so the doctors are scrambling, however now they are having trouble stabilizing him enough to go into surgery. His tiny little heart quit beating this morning but did come back after it was shocked but it still remains in SVT and he is not even close to stable. His mom is there alone and her husband is trying to get a earlier flight. Her twitter messages are painful to read, I have been following her life through her blog since she was 20wks pregnant with Stellan and his heart was in SVT and she was told he would not make it out of her womb alive. Stellan is a fighter but after 5 or more hospitalizations and weeks of SVT it seems as though it is hitting harder and faster, his little body is having trouble keeping up. I am so worried for this baby i have never met and want to fly to Boston and hug his mother. So please drop to your knees and pray for this little man and his family today, I have and will continue.
Please pray for baby Stellan, I have posted about him in the past here..
and here..
Baby Stellan just turned a year old and spent his first birthday in the hospital in the cardiac intensive care unit in a quickly and devastating onset of his SVT (super ventricular tachycardia (super fast hearbeat)). This time it hit him quick and hard enough that the surgery for another ablation at Boston's Children's Hospital was scheduled a year early than the dr. would have liked. Another ablation means more than likely destruction of the AV node and a pacemaker for life for this little guy.
Well his mom had to two days with Stellan at home from his last hospitalization and then had to fly him to Boston to stay for 4 days to test, weaning heart meds and to do his surgery. On Sunday his mom was told to not give him his morning meds and to have him admitted at lunchtime for complete med weaning but Stellan went into SVT hours after the missed dose and was admitted to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit PCICU.
As of last night they could not break him out of SVT and his heart was beating at a dangerous 270 beats per minute and his blood pressures were awful 43/13 remember normal is 120/80. He made it clear that surgery would not wait until Tuesday so the doctors are scrambling, however now they are having trouble stabilizing him enough to go into surgery. His tiny little heart quit beating this morning but did come back after it was shocked but it still remains in SVT and he is not even close to stable. His mom is there alone and her husband is trying to get a earlier flight. Her twitter messages are painful to read, I have been following her life through her blog since she was 20wks pregnant with Stellan and his heart was in SVT and she was told he would not make it out of her womb alive. Stellan is a fighter but after 5 or more hospitalizations and weeks of SVT it seems as though it is hitting harder and faster, his little body is having trouble keeping up. I am so worried for this baby i have never met and want to fly to Boston and hug his mother. So please drop to your knees and pray for this little man and his family today, I have and will continue.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Some new happenings from our tiniest little man (who somehow has the capabilities to produce more snot and poo than anyone of us):
Last week Gage cut two more teeth through at the same time and a third is knocking on the pain inducing swelled red gums of his poor little mouth. His teeth come in so fast that his gums do not have time to respond and heal around the tooth as it moves down so as the tooth advances his gums just turn black and rip open, all red and sometimes bloody, NOT NICE TOOTH FAIRY. Here is a image of the teeth he has now
Last week Gage cut two more teeth through at the same time and a third is knocking on the pain inducing swelled red gums of his poor little mouth. His teeth come in so fast that his gums do not have time to respond and heal around the tooth as it moves down so as the tooth advances his gums just turn black and rip open, all red and sometimes bloody, NOT NICE TOOTH FAIRY. Here is a image of the teeth he has now
He loves to play music with Daddy
Crawling - crawling is more like what... hmmmmm*how to put gently*, like a army crawl if your legs were broken and only your feet, elbows, and the side to side motion of your baby booty and over-sized melon propelled you forward. So cute and unique is my child...
He now has 3 "words" in his vocab that he uses in the correct manner
· Daddy ("DaDa") – he knows who dada is and acknowledges him when he enters the room
· Jabba ("Ja-Yaa") – he calls for the dog as he chases her in his walker
· Cat ("nuct nuct") - he calls for our cat Merlin by clicking his tongue and making the nuct nuct nuct sound. When the cat walks by, Gage clicks “nuct nuct”, if you ask “where is the (nuct nuct or the kitty)", Gage looks for him and clicks “nuct nuct…”. It is my favorite!!
Onto the Largest of our poo producing offspring that harnesses the power or brilliance beyond his age.
I have to speak in code (what I can remember from my youth that is) just in case our other munchkins read this, I don’t want to blow it for them.
Daimen has come clean with his knowledge that
antaSay isA otNay ealRay
and he has known for two years when he
ustedBay isHay arentsPay uttingPay ouTay resentsPay hristmasCay Eva
I have to speak in code (what I can remember from my youth that is) just in case our other munchkins read this, I don’t want to blow it for them.
Daimen has come clean with his knowledge that
antaSay isA otNay ealRay
and he has known for two years when he
ustedBay isHay arentsPay uttingPay ouTay resentsPay hristmasCay Eva
2 Years Ago!
He played along so he would get more resentsPay from antaSay
What a little toot, we have been wondering when he would catch on, most kids ask questions years ago, mine just keeps it to himself because telling his parents is not in his benefit, oh boy!
He did to promise to continue the ecretSay for his brother’s sake and
help me with the resentsPay by hoppinSay, rappingWay, and Displaying
He played along so he would get more resentsPay from antaSay
What a little toot, we have been wondering when he would catch on, most kids ask questions years ago, mine just keeps it to himself because telling his parents is not in his benefit, oh boy!
He did to promise to continue the ecretSay for his brother’s sake and
help me with the resentsPay by hoppinSay, rappingWay, and Displaying
Looks like we have ourselves a new Elf-Say, what a visual difference from the Zombie child in the last post..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Trick or Treat 2009
Gage’s 1st Halloween
Daimen’s 11th Halloween
Kollen’s 7th Halloween (I wish he was here to see him in character)
Gage went to a pumpkin patch in his little monkey outfit sporting his favorite food on his head.
I do believe he is 1 of the 3 most handsome boys on this earth......

He was intrigued by the pumpkins and seemed to enjoy himself for the most part. 
(hehe looks like me in the morning)
Daimen’s 11th Halloween
Kollen’s 7th Halloween (I wish he was here to see him in character)
Gage went to a pumpkin patch in his little monkey outfit sporting his favorite food on his head.
He first seemed thrilled about the bananna prop we brought and then seemed confused I wasn't opening it for him.
Instead of candy I gave my poor baby boy a nasty cold for Halloween.
He was a champ and tried to play along....

And then it was back to our real feelings of the day....... 
We talked to Kollen on the phone and I did not even get to ask him what he was for Halloween because he threw his Dad a curve ball when he asked to get his ears pierced. Jeremy said no, Kollen got mad, I was on damage control.
Daimen dressed like a Zombie, his step-mom did his makeup/costume and it looked great.

He was a champ and tried to play along....
It took a bunch to get him and I to smile on Saturday but we did, long enough to get some cute pictures.....

We talked to Kollen on the phone and I did not even get to ask him what he was for Halloween because he threw his Dad a curve ball when he asked to get his ears pierced. Jeremy said no, Kollen got mad, I was on damage control.
Daimen dressed like a Zombie, his step-mom did his makeup/costume and it looked great.
He had several events this year: The fall festival at the church, Trick or treating, and then he came home and hit behind our brick wall and jumped out and scared all our trick or treaters before giving them the goods.
(hehe looks like me in the morning)
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