(pictured to the left is 3 months and the right is 4)
On the other hand I say four months and I am sad. Sad that my baby is growing so fast, you are not little anymore (and do not really think you ever were *grin*),sad that time just won’t stand still for a millisecond and let me enjoy every bit of it, sad that I have to work and miss so many amazing things. So I write this post emotionally sitting on both sides of the teeter tauter, one seat contains rigid rusty nails and the other a cloud like cotton.
Ok where was I? Oh yeah, Four months old, well you are a bit older than that now because I have been pondering this letter for a week or so, but the pics are spot on.
Gage you have grown so much in the last month some examples are:
· Bouncing – you went from being rigid while standing to realizing those knobby things in the middle of your (ham hawks) I mean um legs, do move and when they do you have your own built in bouncer. When I put you on your feet you instantly start kicking, so cute, and cheap for batteries are not needed.
· Thumb anyone? - You have found your thumb, the right way this time. Before you used to get it in there with your fingers, toys, my shoulder, etc….but now you figured out how to separate it and suck on it by itself (which is so much more productive and less slimy I might add). Even though you do the cutest thing and hold your ear and suck your thumb at the same time, I have to tell you son, I am not a fan of the thumb sucking Gage *shaking finger*, for when it is time to throw the paci away I can’t just toss out your thumb with it, you see son, there are laws against that. That is one of the reasons I encourage the paci, we can throw it overboard at our own discretion and it will not inhibit straight descending of your baby teeth. So if you will my little HULK, you have made me prouder than a petunia by showing your new sucking talent so can we
· Bubbles – not the store bought kind, or dish soap, and before your mind goes there (I know your daddy) NOT the kind you make in the tub during bath time either, I am talking about spit bubbles and the cute sounds that accompany them. You roll your tongue and blow, this act produces the most darling toot noises and delicious baby bubbles, a talented kid are you.
· Screech – my boy, your new talented screech is ever impressive. You use your entire body to produce your screeches and giggle with delight if you come close to a glass shattering pitch. The faces you make are amusing to watch, some make you look downright angry, so screech on little one. You can see (below) the amount of expression,effort, and movement it takes to create such noise....
· Rolling – we discussed this in a previous post but I will touch on it here also. You have mastered the talent of back to belly rolling however you are not a fan of stomach play and have yet to figure out how to get back. This is your current game: lay on your back and play for a millisecond, lift your tree trunks um legs, arch your back and waaaa laaaa you are now stomach side down, smash your face in the ground while trying to get your back legs moving, and then fuss until your obedient caretaker flips you back over, rinse, lather, and repeat.
Your personality is large little man and so are your thrill seeking ways. You smile so big when your Dad flies you around above his head like an airplane and you mom watches in nervous delight. Not until you puke or drool in his mouth is it as fun for me as it is for you and your daddy. Let’s not forget the fun shoulder rides that make me shudder at the thought of gravity being used against you, that is never on your mind though, I can tell.
Oh and for the love you music, when daddy plays his guitar you go nuts in your bouncer, arms waving, mouth is a O shape wide open, and legs kicking. You dig his music and I think he loves the expressive fan you have become.
Those are the highlights of month 3-4, now to the low light, errrr um teething….. Gage my precious, darling, peanut butter, snuggle muffin, hulk sized child I AM SORRY YOUR TEETH MUST RIP THROUGH YOUR SORE LITTLE GUMS IN MASOCHISTIC WAY. I do promise my dear that if need be we will buy stock in baby orajel, Tylenol, and bricks until all the buggers break through.
Until next month, I Love you to pieces, Son.
Oh squeezes his chunky little cheeks and give him a big hug and kiss for me. Love ya guys and missya