I am going to start a blogging tradition, every time Gage turns another month young (I don't like to say old) I am going to write a letter to him about his milestones from one month to another. When he gets older like the other boys, I am going to write to him and them on their calendar birthdays once a year. So this is a bit late but it is Gage's 2-3 month letter (ok more like 2-3 and a half month letter).....
Your are a delightful baby at home and daycare, everyone just loves you. Even though you have had a hard time this month you still manage to smile when you can't even breath out your little red nose. You have been consistently sick since I came back to work on March 9th and I am so sorry sweetie, it breaks my heart to see you feeling bad. You had your first x-ray in your 3month, on March 19th checking your lungs. It was not fun for you or I because of the awful position I had to force you into (sitting sideways against a board, pulling your arms way above your head), but it was better than the torture contraption we would have placed you in. You and I got to see your x-ray and the first thing I noticed was all your teeth, they have not come through yet but we were the first to see them all and they look like thorns. I could tell your lungs did not look great so it was not a surprise when the Dr. confirmed you had viral streaks. Even sick with the flu, 1 day past 3 months you tipped the scales at 17lbs 5oz, I am so proud of every little fat roll, I mean muscle on your very tall (26 inch) body. New tricks you have learned the last month include but are surly not limited to :
Feet - you have found them and are entranced by them, you force yourself to bend in half, cutting off your oxygen to get to them. It is quite amazing.
Sitting Up - you are no longer happy laying down unless there is a bottle in your mouth or you are sleeping. I know it is early but you are a smart kid and grunt and strain to sit yourself up. Here is a picture (above) of you pulling yourself forward to get in a sitting up position so you can see those new toys (i mean feet).
Squealing - that is right you have found your screech and it is very cute, you make the most darling faces and mouth movements when you talk. If someone heard us they would think we need to be in the funny farm because I squeal and coo right back at you.
Controlling your hands - you have figured out how to reach out or up to grasp things you want, i can admit you are a bit shaky in the arms but you always get to your target eventually and are so pleased when you do. You are starting to love your play mat (pictured here) because you can grab the toys now not just hit them.
Giggling - one of my favorite things you do. Gage you light up the room with your giggles. A few things other than tickling your stomach tickles you to intense laughter:
- Daimen - you think your brother is a riot, he can just say Hi and you bust out in laughter.
- When I stick my tongue out and in real fast.
- When daddy shakes his head side to side and his lips flap, haha that makes me laugh to.
- When you look at yourself in the mirror and I move your lips while saying memememe.
Chewing; you love to chew and drool on anything, you are diffidently an equal opportunity chewer, there is nothing you won't taste or chew on (so far). When ever anyone holds you the first thing you do is stick your tongue on their shirt, haha I need a onesie for you to wear that says Warning: I am about to taste you! If you can not get something in your mouth to chew on it makes you terribly upset and frustrated, such a little temper but so cute.
Now lets talk about your neat little habits:
Chillaxing (chill plus relax) - when your eating or tired you put your hand behind your head, you look very Cool in that position little man. I have even caught you chillaxing with your arm behind you head and grabbing your ear at the same time while trying to sleep in the tub, silly boy. (pictured below)
Gage you are the sweetest baby in the world and I am so pleased I have been blessed with being your mom. Even though you are losing your hair I can not believe how cute you are. Your dad and I had a very long wait for a baby to enter our lives and I am so glad it was you, I can not imagine anything different, I love you sweet boy.
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