Below is a darling picture of my niece, Emma. Wow look at that hair little lady. Oh yeah and my brother is pictured also. You look darling also, Todd. *grin*
How sweet is she (below), I am not sure who ate whose face first but Emma dear, it looks like your mom (Kim) is winning and that you are practicing your facial expression for the all so annoying family reunion where your old decrepit aunt grabs your sweet little cheeks....oh shoot that would be me wouldn't it, I am the aunt? I meant your amazing, beautiful, loving aunt pinches those plump little cheeks. Keep up the practice, I hope I will be seeing/pinching you soon.
And for desert.....we have my favorite photo of Emma (below), already using those puppy dog eyes and protruding lower lip as assault weapon in her plan......"to take over the world"
Public Service Announcement: For all those non-cartoon watchers "to take over the world" is a quote used everyday in the script of the spectacular Pinky and the Brain cartoon.

All pictures above are scanned copies of photos so please excuse the quality but enjoy the content.
Emma is so cute. I am so happy for Todd & Kim, they are going to be such great parents. It just makes me sad to think they lives so close but I never see them. I see you more and you live 20 times further away.