Some things worth noting...
Gage said Mama about two weeks ago, in the middle of snot covered Hell weeks. He even says Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa *screech* when he wants me to pick him up.
He also cute his 8th tooth during hell week and as you can imagine that only added to the Fun, ha festivities.

Gage is still army crawling but wants to walk badly.
Gage & Daimen both got most of their flu vaccines (finally), so if Jer and I get the flu it will be more of a restful vacation because the kids shouldn’t be compromised.
Gage has slept through the night in his OWN bed the last 3 nights for the first time in, um, how do you say…EVER! (he just got his own room when we moved but has been sick since)
We got a new, awesome, not leaking Freon, 50% off thanks to Jer’s amazing shopping skills on black Friday, Trio Fridge. It is so amazing I will write more later.
Gage got his first spanking on the hand on Thanksgiving. He was grabbing my hair and pulling with a strong growl, when I stopped him and grabbed his hands and repeatedly said no, he just growled harder and snatched faster, so, I hand spanked him and he stopped. He now understands what “No” means, he doesn't necessarily like hearing or obeying it and voices that with a frustrating fussy grown but he “Get’s IT”.
He knows how to kiss (I call it smooches), it involves a wide open mouth and he kisses you and say “muuwaaw”, it is very cute. I ask for smooches and he usually complies and sometimes he does it for no good reason and it melts my heart.
Daimen who used to love everything “PIE” (no not just eating it but more about saying and drawing the word) is now all about “TOAST”, even in artist 3D

Daimen taught him how to do “noggins”, Daimen asks for noggins and Gage slowly head-butts him. I hope so much head banging won’t cause to much Drain Bamage.
He knows how to give a “High 5” and his new favorite video is naturally by Baby Genesis, and is favorite baby songs.
We have had 3 total takes in the last two weeks regarding my previous post titled “So Close”, I guess the warm bath is good for moving bowels.
(let me outta here, Someone crapped in the tub!!)
Daimen got straight A’s on his report card, brilliant that kid.
We are still not fully unpacked or settled and the realistic goal for that is….when the kids graduate, ha, no really, it is in January…..2011
I need to find time to get our Christmas Tree put up and pray real hard the Jer might find some Joy in it this year.
Kollen will be here in less than 4 weeks and we are excited.
Gage will be 1 in 15 days (do you frigging believe it??)
Kollen will be 8 on January 1st and we will be on a mini family vacation on his B-day Day.
Ok that is enough updates for now….
Gage said Mama about two weeks ago, in the middle of snot covered Hell weeks. He even says Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa *screech* when he wants me to pick him up.
He also cute his 8th tooth during hell week and as you can imagine that only added to the Fun, ha festivities.
Gage is still army crawling but wants to walk badly.
Gage & Daimen both got most of their flu vaccines (finally), so if Jer and I get the flu it will be more of a restful vacation because the kids shouldn’t be compromised.
Gage has slept through the night in his OWN bed the last 3 nights for the first time in, um, how do you say…EVER! (he just got his own room when we moved but has been sick since)
We got a new, awesome, not leaking Freon, 50% off thanks to Jer’s amazing shopping skills on black Friday, Trio Fridge. It is so amazing I will write more later.
Gage got his first spanking on the hand on Thanksgiving. He was grabbing my hair and pulling with a strong growl, when I stopped him and grabbed his hands and repeatedly said no, he just growled harder and snatched faster, so, I hand spanked him and he stopped. He now understands what “No” means, he doesn't necessarily like hearing or obeying it and voices that with a frustrating fussy grown but he “Get’s IT”.
He knows how to kiss (I call it smooches), it involves a wide open mouth and he kisses you and say “muuwaaw”, it is very cute. I ask for smooches and he usually complies and sometimes he does it for no good reason and it melts my heart.
Daimen who used to love everything “PIE” (no not just eating it but more about saying and drawing the word) is now all about “TOAST”, even in artist 3D
Daimen taught him how to do “noggins”, Daimen asks for noggins and Gage slowly head-butts him. I hope so much head banging won’t cause to much Drain Bamage.
He knows how to give a “High 5” and his new favorite video is naturally by Baby Genesis, and is favorite baby songs.
We have had 3 total takes in the last two weeks regarding my previous post titled “So Close”, I guess the warm bath is good for moving bowels.
Daimen got straight A’s on his report card, brilliant that kid.
We are still not fully unpacked or settled and the realistic goal for that is….when the kids graduate, ha, no really, it is in January…..2011
I need to find time to get our Christmas Tree put up and pray real hard the Jer might find some Joy in it this year.
Kollen will be here in less than 4 weeks and we are excited.
Gage will be 1 in 15 days (do you frigging believe it??)
Kollen will be 8 on January 1st and we will be on a mini family vacation on his B-day Day.
Ok that is enough updates for now….
In another (long) note: I know most of you who read this blog (and never ever comment) are family/work colleagues and you are checking in on us, which is great and why I created it, however I feel like I need to write in a therapeutic way about some issues in life that are more personal in a diary kinda way. I do think family/work buds are the most amazing people in my life but not necessary always who you would want to or is appropriate to vent ALL personal issues.
I would like to include all aspects of my life on my blog, not just the rosy sunshine stuff and poop, but don’t think it is right to have a open forum when I am looking for opinions on events such as EX: when I am menstruating and how bad my cramps are??? How infertility still affects me mentally and ways I am trying work through it, any issues with work or my husband etc…..
I thought about making another blog to voice my embarrassing/personal views, experiences, issues, in regards to asking for advice on how to work on them without telling everyone I know in real life….
things such as “Jer and I got in a argument last night and I want a better way of dealing with my hot head towards his computer” , do you see how that would be inappropriate? I have come to the conclusion that I don’t want another blog, I want to write everything down in one place so when I am so old I can’t type, then I will publish it and read through my life. Sooo, in the most long winded explanation ever, you may see some posts that are password protected, and if you are family or a work colleague these are posts that You would not like to read as they will be asking advice on a issues to strangers so please don’t take it negatively because it is not meant to be. If you are one of the strangers out there that can give life’s advice please email me and I will give you the password.
Sometimes I can come across harsher than I mean to (ha, I Know News Flash, right!) so I am hoping that this time was not one of them. Love you guys
In another (long) note: I know most of you who read this blog (and never ever comment) are family/work colleagues and you are checking in on us, which is great and why I created it, however I feel like I need to write in a therapeutic way about some issues in life that are more personal in a diary kinda way. I do think family/work buds are the most amazing people in my life but not necessary always who you would want to or is appropriate to vent ALL personal issues.
I would like to include all aspects of my life on my blog, not just the rosy sunshine stuff and poop, but don’t think it is right to have a open forum when I am looking for opinions on events such as EX: when I am menstruating and how bad my cramps are??? How infertility still affects me mentally and ways I am trying work through it, any issues with work or my husband etc…..
I thought about making another blog to voice my embarrassing/personal views, experiences, issues, in regards to asking for advice on how to work on them without telling everyone I know in real life….
things such as “Jer and I got in a argument last night and I want a better way of dealing with my hot head towards his computer” , do you see how that would be inappropriate? I have come to the conclusion that I don’t want another blog, I want to write everything down in one place so when I am so old I can’t type, then I will publish it and read through my life. Sooo, in the most long winded explanation ever, you may see some posts that are password protected, and if you are family or a work colleague these are posts that You would not like to read as they will be asking advice on a issues to strangers so please don’t take it negatively because it is not meant to be. If you are one of the strangers out there that can give life’s advice please email me and I will give you the password.
Sometimes I can come across harsher than I mean to (ha, I Know News Flash, right!) so I am hoping that this time was not one of them. Love you guys
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