We all know that the slip of paper in the fortune cookie is no longer a fortune but now some upbeat phrase printed from script. I am not sure when the fortune turned to a mundane combination of words that only seem better when you add “in bed” to the end, maybe when Cracker Jacks substituted the toy for a stupid mini baseball card? Either way we all still read them and I still make it fun & intimate by adding the two key words to the end. I have found very few fortunes that do not fit with those two words in the most hilarious way, but this fortune, this time, didn’t.
Is this what happens when a fortune cookie maker has a bad day?….

I could not help but giggle and re-read this slip of paper over and over, trying to find the common upbeat script I am used to. After turning the fortune over and seeing the Chinese word tutorial, which is usually words like, fun, food, sun, brother etc…I got this…

So my only conclusion is that on this day, this cookie maker was feeling anxious (jiao ji), upset, peeved at life in general. Maybe some guy ran over his puppy, stopped to help, tried to sell him a vacuum and then paid him not to shot him? So when he got to work at the fortune cookie sweat-shop, he decided to forgo the neutral positivity and instead quote Margaret Thatcher.
Instead of adding “in bed” to the end, I felt like I needed to look up this quote and now I choose to finish her quote, it should also include this at the end of my “Fortune”
“No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions. He had money as well.” (Margaret Thatcher)
Don’t mess with the fortune cookie maker.
lol....and I am done with my little issue that we have been discussing....love ya