As always you are an amazing child and we are so lucky to have been given the gift to guide you here on this side of Heaven. You grow leaps and bounds daily and I still wish you would slow down a bit.
Some firsts/accomplishments/favorites from the last two months:
**Word – Jabba (grrrrrrrrrr)
**Saying Dada at the correct person
**Object other than food swallowing – stupid leaf
**Your first ear infection
**First time having Amoxicillin and allergic reaction to it
**First bath with Daddy

**Time napping in your own room
**Taste of Mommy’s homemade baby food – you seem to be a fan
**First Flu Shot
--3 more teeth – you now look like this (but not for long) 5 total now
--Locating your little man parts or what I call “tid bits” or “turtle”
--You have become a Turtle hunting/pulling pro
--Even grabbed Daddy’s turtle during a few baths (ha, you are going to hate that I posted that - one day in the future)
--Walking while only holding on to someone with one hand
--Getting two more viruses maybe even 3
_Bounce on any and everything
_Ride your brother like a horsey (a fit is thrown when the ride is over, oh boy)
_Walking in your walker
_Bath’s with Daddy
_Playing with Tupperware
_Shaking your Rattle (there is one you just love, I will snap a picture soon)
_Putting everything in your mouth
_Watching “Baby Signing Time”
A couple of my favorite pictures from the last two months....
(love the goofy "Benadryl" looking face, so much personality in one little boy)
Times have been tough this year with illness/teeth and I see it getting harder as you throw around your new found FREE WILL. About two weeks ago you started throwing yourself down on your bottom when we are walking you somewhere you don’t want to go, you arch your back and throw yourself backwards if we continue in our path not yours, also crying and fussing during the whole episode. I have to admit it does make me giggle a bit but we are working on “NO” and what that means and soon I am sure one of your letters will include your first spanking and it will be for having a fit. I never knew babies threw fits at 10months, maybe it’s a fluke, or you may just feel icky with all the teeth, or just maybe you are going to be a strong willed young man who needs ack um, cough, cough, morespankingsthenyourbrothersneeded, um I mean more guidance. You have hurt yourself once so far by throwing yourself back after I let you sit there after you went WAAAAaaa and sat down because I would not let you go your way (Thank God our carpet is padded and your head is thick).
Even with all the tough times, I still am so excited to run home and snuggle/hug/play with your daily (and the fact you still want me all the time still melts my heart). I love you baby boy and Thank you for loving me.
PS: I hope I get back to every month letters now that we have moved…..