(I know a normal week is 7 days, but “HW” is 10 and counting, I hope just 10)
I am going to try to keep this as brief as possible and at the end of it you will see that extra time for detailed stories is not really plausible at this point. I will also try and keep the order correct, not only for your clarity but for my record of how events unfold during “hell week” (ha, the marines ain’t got nuttin on my life)<<<<
Wednesday Sept. 23rd
Leaf swallowing
*picture of similar leaf and complete story coming soon* Fungus covered Leaf was swallowed at the (sarcastically) convenient time to assume the next two topics were caused by it and not a contagious virus.
*sorry no picture* Lot’s of vomiting, exorcist style, he is such a talented baby.
*again no picture, sorry for the disappointment* Do I need to explain? Ok if so...it is when you pee poo.
Wednesday Sept. 23rd
Leaf swallowing
*picture of similar leaf and complete story coming soon* Fungus covered Leaf was swallowed at the (sarcastically) convenient time to assume the next two topics were caused by it and not a contagious virus.
*sorry no picture* Lot’s of vomiting, exorcist style, he is such a talented baby.
*again no picture, sorry for the disappointment* Do I need to explain? Ok if so...it is when you pee poo.
M&P come over
to watch liquid spewing child while we were at the title company, what a blessing.
House sold
House sold
This house
Thursday Sept. 24th
Thursday Sept. 24th
(see above explanation)
(see above explanation)
(see above explanation)
Friday Sept. 25th
Friday Sept. 25th
New House failing inspection

Um, I have nothing to say other than REALLY????? And 19 days until we have to vacate!! Inspector says "well there are a bunch of bridges in the area" SLAP!
(see above explanation)
(see above explanation)
(see above explanation)
(see above explanation)
Saturday Sept. 26th
Flu shot cancelled
Gage is still doing fluid expulsion tricks, I make a decision to forgo the shot. Stupid Leaf
M&P come over
Was suppose to be a packing weekend but turned to feverish house hunting after previous issue. They helped tremendously, even though much packing did not get done, lots of laundry and lawn mowing did.
House hunting (with new fear of homelessness)
(sigh) found a good house, make a offer
Pre-term labor
Sister-in-Law, Laurie calls, she is having contractions every 10mins and wants to join our party (we are closer to the hospital), the contractions peter out after keeping her up most of the night (I say she grounds that boy).
M&P come over
Was suppose to be a packing weekend but turned to feverish house hunting after previous issue. They helped tremendously, even though much packing did not get done, lots of laundry and lawn mowing did.
House hunting (with new fear of homelessness)
(sigh) found a good house, make a offer
Pre-term labor
Sister-in-Law, Laurie calls, she is having contractions every 10mins and wants to join our party (we are closer to the hospital), the contractions peter out after keeping her up most of the night (I say she grounds that boy).
Sunday Sept. 27th
Sunday Sept. 27th
Still present, accounted for, and a pedialyte induced neon green color! (aren't you glad you read that)
Sunday night September 27th Jer and I scoop the baby up and rush him to the hospital because he is pooing hundreds of black ¾ inch long worms in his still flowing diarrhea. Crying, thinking how much I suck as a mother because now my kid has worms from eating a rotten leaf off the floor. Then, it comes to me, “could it be the seeds in the banana’s he has had all week to help curve the diarrhea, naw, Jeremy will you look that up on your phone” Insert stop at the store for a beverage. Jeremy hands me the phone and waaLa, it is written all over Google, I am officially a crazy paranoid idiot, my baby does not have worms, instead just a case of the banana’s or undigested banana seeds because of his fast flowing intestines. HA, you laugh now but would you have known? I giggled all the way home because not only do I feel stupid but I am not the only one, seems as though many parents have been perplexed by banana worms in the diaper. Hmmm I wonder how many of them had a child who ate a fungus covered leaf just days before the worms? Does that make me less stupid? Is less stupid proper English? Ok I am done.
Monday Sept. 28th
Monday Sept. 28th
New House Contract

Came back and dirtied my bed, AGAIN! Poor little guy, stupid leaf.
Still HERE!
Tuesday Sept. 29th
New House Inspection
Wow, 35pages, the guy is thorough and takes lots of pictures, 2 majorish issues, the rest is because the house was build in 1965 and codes change.
New house issues being addressed
More to come on this soon, I hope, 12 days until homelessness
I was prepared for it with his morning bottle in one hand and a huge bath towel in the other, squeezed my butt cheeks every time he coughed, just waiting for the title wave and tada, nothing but smiles.
I was prepared for it with his morning bottle in one hand and a huge bath towel in the other, squeezed my butt cheeks every time he coughed, just waiting for the title wave and tada, nothing but smiles.
Still present but getting better.
A Tooth Emerges
That is 5 now and here is the placement. PS: I hate the toothfairy, oh wait that is me, right?
Wednesday Sept. 30th
Wednesday Sept. 30th
Ha, you thought it was Gage still, well you are wrong, I woke up vomiting, continued on the way into work (thank you Styrofoam cups on my floorboard). Then I had a realization, that Gage must have had a virus and the leaf was bad timing because I did not eat any leafs, sigh. This kid has made me a moron, or I was a closet moron and he just opened the door, I dunno, I feel too stupid to figure it out. If we knew he had a virus we would not have had my, about to drop my baby nephew Mace any second sister in law and family over for obvious reasons dealing mainly with their and the new babies health. Sigh, sorry guys, stupid leaf.
A Beautiful Baby is Born
Mace was born 9/30/09 at 9:45am weighing in at 8lbs 13oz and 21 1/2inches long. Here is a picture right after birth.

He is a cutie and I hope to see him when I am virus free. Congratulations: Blake, Laurie, Audrey and Nolan. Welcome to the family Mace!!
A Love Affair
Get your mind out of the gutters: I *heart* Zofran (leftover nausea med from pregnancy), after all I am a mom and being sick is NOT allowed.
New House Issues
being addressed More to come on this soon, I hope, 12 days until homelessness
Thursday Oct. 1st
A Love Affair Continues
I *heart* Zofran A LOT
A Flu Test
It was negative so no time off for me, pull up the big girl panties that say “Friday” and go to work.
Carpet Burns
(haha, bet you are in the gutter again, sorry my life is not THAT interesting)
I thought a stupid mosquito was biting the top of Gage’s feet for days, they just kept getting redder in different places, even on the tops of his toes, until last night when he showed me his new trick, it goes like this: Stand up and run as fast as you can in your walker, then sit down real quick, and make sure you drag the top of your feet on the carpet until you stop, wash, rinse, repeat! I told you, this kid has made me an idiot, SIGH!
I thought a stupid mosquito was biting the top of Gage’s feet for days, they just kept getting redder in different places, even on the tops of his toes, until last night when he showed me his new trick, it goes like this: Stand up and run as fast as you can in your walker, then sit down real quick, and make sure you drag the top of your feet on the carpet until you stop, wash, rinse, repeat! I told you, this kid has made me an idiot, SIGH!
None, whew, so far, however I have my lover (Zofran) close.
Still not solid in diapers in my house, soon I hope!
Everything Else
Still stable as of Now! HW may be coming to an end!
Oh my.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of spew.
My deepest commisserations.