As you might have figured out seeing that this post is titled sick that I was going to post about how angry I am that Gage is sick again however I now realized that I am blessed that he is only a little bit sick. I'll explain...there is another little miracle baby out there who is terribly sick right now. His name is baby Stellan and you can read about his story at I will give you a quick run down, I have been reading his amazing story since last summer when his mom was about 20wks pregnant and told her son was going to die before he was born because his tiny little heart was in SVT (dangerous heart rhythm), then a heart block, and fetal hydrops, you get the point he was a sick baby who was to young to be born and survive. After a long hospital stay and a massive prayer movement his little heart was under control and mckmama was able to carry him close to term, close enough that he was born and able to go home with her, yes you read that right, baby Stellan heart appeared to be healed upon his birth. Well now he is 5 months old and has spent the last week in the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) at a Children's Hospital because 8 days ago he perfectly functioning heart flipped back into SVT and sometimes V-tach. The Dr.s have not been able to convert his little heart and his body is having to fight so hard but seems to be popping out. He and his mother have taught me so much about, surrendering to God, strength, wisdom, belief, glory, miracles, and did I mention strength? Not physical strength as much as emotional and very much spiritual. I do not know this little boy, his mother, father, two brothers, and his sister but I have to tell you that I am amazed by this family and the prayer movement following them. Mckmama's blog is turned more than a million visitors this week, that is a lot of prayers. Little Stellan is already a miracle in so many ways, he has really brought me closer to God and is a great example of the power of prayer. This little boy has had so much life purpose for so many people in his little 5 months of life and I am in awe. Please drop to your knees and pray for baby Stellan and his family. This little boy has impacted my life and I am on bended knee praying.....
Here is a picture of Stellan fighting for his life.

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