AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother
Monday, March 30, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Super Bug
Gage has been sick since Thursday March 12th, his 4th day at day care grrrrrr. Well on Monday (the day Mel flew in) Jer stayed home with the baby and I met him at the Dr's office to get his ears checked. He is pulling on his ears a bunch so we figured his "cold" moved into his ears. No ear infection was found and he said we could use a humidifier and saline drops for the coughing and congestion. I stayed home with him Tuesday (day Mel was here) and he seemed to get better. Wednesday he went to day care. By Thursday his cough was worse and he preformed an exorcism type act with about 4 ozs of formula while laying on his back. After his movie star choking performance I decided he was going back to the Dr's. I took him to his Dr. and they ran tests and took a chest x-ray (which was awful because I had to force him in such an uncomfortable position). Thursday evening a nurse called and said he was positive for RSV, it should be called VB4B (very bad for babies). The nurse had us freaked out a bit with talk of breathing machines, hospital stays, 6wks contagious, Death etc... So Friday when my regular nurse called and said "the nurse from the night before read the results wrong, Gage does NOT have RSV, he has the FLU", I could not have been happier in that moment.
I know tomorrow is Wednesday and it is suppose to be "Wordless Wednesday" but I must show and tell about my proudest moment of last week, stay tuned....
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tazmanian Devil aka MEL
She flew in on Monday at 5:30pm, we spent the evening eating pizza and talking. Then Tuesday morning we (baby, mel, I) went to an appointment she had downtown. I was driving and the baby was in the passenger seat so Mel was in the back, since I was wearing a black jacket and had to ask where I was going, I decided I would act like her personal chauffeur. All day long I was saying, miss can I..., miss where..., oh thank you miss...., and please don't beat me miss in this weird slurred accent. It was funny. While Mel went and did her business Gage and I sat at her old office with Mel's friend Ashley and Big G her 1yr old son. G is so very cute and had me rolling when he pointed to himself and said "I a stinker". When Mel was finished us girls and the two little boys went to Ihop for breakfast, we had tons of fun.
Mel and I went home from Ihop and spent about 2hrs talking, watching reality shows and spending time with Gage and then it was back to the airport because her plane left at 3pm. If you have not figured it out by now the title of this post describes Mels visit accurately, she flew in stayed 23hrs and was gone with a dust cloud behind her. I do have to admit....IT was a Great 23hrs and I was so happy to have gotten the chance to see her. Love you Mel!
Come back soon that was just the beginning of last week.......
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I love pictures of faces (not my own of course). My children have the best looking faces around, no I am not partial, it is the truth! All three of them have such a unique shape and appearance to their face, I just want to kiss them constantly (poor Daimen). I wanted to post some of my favorite faces....
See what I mean, Gorgeous!
Come back soon for a post on Gage's Dr's Appointment and Mel's Visit
Monday, March 16, 2009
The VicifieR
Jer is home with the baby today because he is still sick and was real needy yesterday plus he has a Dr’s appointment today to check his ears (he has been pulling on them). I am leaving work a bit early and meeting them at the Dr’s and from there it is on to the airport to pick up my bff, Mel. She is coming down to visit and for a personal appointment. I am taking tomorrow off so I can drive her where she needs to go and to visit with her a bit because she is back on a plane home tomorrow afternoon. It is a bummer that she can’t stay longer but great that she is coming for a bit.
In other news my youngest sister in-law got engaged this past weekend. I am so excited for them, Congrats guys!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
MoHawks and Dress Up
here is fresh out of the shower and blown dry
This one is the next day hawk, it does not have the same life in it as the first day hawk but come-on how does your hair look on day Two?
Ok before you give me any grief, I am a women and can not help but play dress up with a life size doll. Gage is a great sport at it and I get to see how all the amazing outfits people bought him look.
We call this look below, Boot Camp @ the Beach, as you can see Gage is sporting the brilliant Major Cutie camouflage onesie paired with the Khaki keep the sun from your eyes hat and don't forget the I'm so precious khaki kitty slippers, salute to you beach bum.
Here he is on the run already.
I needed that comedy relief today. Tomorrow is Gage's first day of daycare and I go back to work, I am really torn about it. I know it will be ok and we will adjust, I mean women have had to use daycare for a long time and I am sure they went through the same heartache. Forget the babyblues I am having the awayfromthebabyblues and I have not even been away yet. I will not lie I have shead many tears from these blues and I do hope the anxiety will fade soon after his first day. Oh how I pray. I will let you know how it is going tomorrow.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Spectrum
Gage sleeps most of the morning time and is up and down in the evening with little fussing at most. Then there is that hour the infamous Witching Hour, his is 630-730pm every night. He has the most amazing body clock. He will start fussing, then it is full on screaming in a matter of minutes. Each time I look at the clock and sure enough it is 630 on the nose. He gets it out of his system and by 730 he is talking and cooing all over again. I can not complain to much, an hour a day is do-able. To show the spectrum these two pics were taken within a minute of each other.
not so happy baby (but so cute in his frustration)
Then he decides to straddle that line again and lean more towards fussy all in the same minute.
Coming soon....Phone Home and Ceral, Back to work I go, MoHawks & Dress Up.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hands -N- Feet

Can you fit your fist in your mouth?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Man-scapeing 101

In report card news my brilliant son got 4 A's and a B, the B is a 89 so he is determined to bring that back to an A. The B is in English and that was my worst subject (as you can tell from my blog skills I am sure). He does not have homework in 5th grade (for reasons unknown to me) so we decided to challenge him this year, each day he has to pick a word from the dictionary he doesn't know and write the definitions, a sentence with the word in it and draw a picture. He has his own little journal full of words. He comes to me when he is done and tells me the word and explains in his own words what it means and then shows me the picture.
Tomorrow is the Taks test and Daimen is so excited (weird eh?). I understand his excitement because I use to love those kind of tests. I would rather learn on my own then listen to a lecture. Good luck on your test tomorrow baby!!!
Look for Hands N Feet and tons more pics this week (I have played photographer this week)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
We went shopping this weekend for some new clothes for me because I do not fit back in the pre-maternity clothes yet. I tried on 15-20 pairs of pants and was so defeated that none of them fit so I said forget it and got 6 shirts/jackets I can wear to cover the muffin-top. If you do not know what a muffin-top is that is because you do not have one and you can not be in the muffin club, sorry.
M&P came buy today for a quick visit before heading to visit Grandma and Papa for a while. Be careful M&P we will miss you. Grandma & Papa I wanted to say hi and we are so thrilled you are feeling better. Thank you so much for the card.
My best friend Mel started a blog about her crazy life, if you care to follow the life of a mom with two teenage boys and a darling drama filled daughter go to http://www.melandkids.blogspot.com/
Hi Mel we love you and Happy Birthday Maddi.
My other friend (she knows who she is) is having a more somber day. She had a angel baby go to heaven today and I hurt for her. Please pray for her that she should find peace in God's plan for her baby.
In the picture below you will see that every shirt and I mean every and any ones must be tasted, Gage will use his hands and keep working it until he can get his little tongue on his shirt, silly child.
Tomorrow come on back for Daimen's man-scapeing lesson and Gage's showing off hands & feet.