AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SHoot the perfectionisT

Alright so live has not changed since the previous entry, BUT i will not let my perfectionalitisic (is that word) personality alter my blog anymore. I am a ALL or nothing kind of person and I hate that it stops me from doing things. Yanno, sometimes you can't give something a 100% of what you want but that DOesn't mean it is not worthy of what you can give<------------me yelling at myself! So at the level to which life is functioning I know I can not keep up blogging like I did before, cute pictures with every post, funny stories, great use of punctuation (ha, just kidding) etc... However I love tracking our lives and sharing with all my family, friends, and bloggers our new experiences SO I am declaring right now that I will throw away my all or nothing attitude *that is stopping me from blogging* and just do my best! Deal?

Some updates:
Work is INSANE!! I am working long hours, 7:30am until 5pm, going home to do dinner and fun with the kids, bath and nightime rituals, put the kids to bed and go back to work around 8:30pm until 3:30am. I am doing a couple times a week and also a rigorous exercises program called P90X. If it was not for the intense workout everyday I would not have the energy to maintain the level I am at and so far it looks to stay intense through the summer. I am also happy to say that since Feb 2010, I have gone from a size 15 to a 9, I am LOVING it.

Daimen is brilliant as always and a complete Joy. He has had another Bday since my last post and It shocks me to admit I have a 12 year old son! Wow where did the time go? He is a superstar at school and tested into 9th grade level Allegra next year for high school credit (he is starting 7th grade).
I just got his final grades in and even moving 8weeks after the start of school into another district and Gifted classes he still managed to shock me....
Final Grade Averages for the year:
Reading 98
Math 95
PE 100
Band 95
Language 96
Science 97
Keyboarding 93
Social Studies 96
So Proud!!!

Gage is a rockstar....
he is growing out of his stomach sensitivities everyday,
eats like a champion,
is huge wearing size 3-4 toddler(only 17months people)
Loves going buhbye
has 16 teeth
says these new words: shoes, hi, buhbye really clear
says: where's Dada??? all the time lol, hmm where did he get that from?

That's it for now, will update more soon.

1 comment:

  1. Girl you gotta slow down! That much work isn't good for you! I've somehow deleted my blog but started a new one and just now found you again! (I mainly blog about book reviews but I do put personal stuff on there)
    Anyway, I've missed hearing about you/your family's crazy lives :) I have a 3 week old little girl (you can pass that on to Mel too b/c I've changed phones and lost her #) Allyssa Jeannette...ok I'll not load down your comments just wanted to catch up with you and am happy to have found you again!
