There has been lots of Jumping...

AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother
Friday, September 17, 2010
Jump Around
What have we been up to you ask (so, you didn't ask, I just want to tell, SO listen)?
There has been lots of Jumping...

There has been lots of Jumping...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
To Be or Not to Bee (x's 3)
Monday, August 30, 2010
KidZ Cracked Up
Who knew a trip to get shots at the Doc's could be so much fun....
1 great kid (+) a bag of Funions (x) the new breaking skill = a great time!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
And Then
Friday the 23rd, the baby and I flew out of our small town airport in a "turbo prop" tiny tiny plane...

The baby screamed when it took off, shaking down the runway, and I tinkled a bit.
He did become a pro after awhile, yanno, he is a thrill seeker and wouldn't let anything like shaking seats and rattling metal stop his curiosity.
"MOM, are we there yet?"
After a long day of airport running, security, more running (to catch a delayed plane!!), some waiting, followed by a shuttle van driven by a gentleman whom must have been in a delusion involing a yellow cab and New York City traffic. The van ride should have had the traditional amusement park warnings......

We did get to see, the Swan & the Dolphin Hotel on Disney Property and the coolest transport around.
All in all, Gage did swimmingly! and I, well I, Survived!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Beginning
Thursday Morning, July 22nd, the Road Warriors departed in delight, from what I heard, they had a blast! and arrived a whole um 14 HOURS earlier than the map program said!.!. Slow down Pappy, ha!
Not only where they fast but they got some sight seeing in along the way...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
In 5-4-3-2-1........Liftoff
Drive OFF today....ROAD WARRIORS (Mu, Pappy, Jeremy, Daimen & Kollen)

THEN....the Gage-man and I fly off tomorrow...

And we are in paradise.......(kids paradise even)
Universal Studios,
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Traveling MAN, woman indeed
I have been working fingers to the bone creating training guides and manuals for our consultants at work. Currently I am training in the most remote locations (even no bars on the phone yesterday). It is not glorious work by but if it means not being at work until 3am scrubbing data than I will do it.
We last trip I was a helper, this one I am the trainer and I could not think of a better time to come down with some gastrointestinal virus that also seems to have my neck lymph nodes "barking" hard enough to take my voice away...
All I have to say....the boys will be pleased when I get home tonight and can't talk
*Ashley* Congrats on the baby girl. Glad you found me again, hehe. Any pics on your blog on Gman and sis? hint hint
We last trip I was a helper, this one I am the trainer and I could not think of a better time to come down with some gastrointestinal virus that also seems to have my neck lymph nodes "barking" hard enough to take my voice away...
All I have to say....the boys will be pleased when I get home tonight and can't talk
*Ashley* Congrats on the baby girl. Glad you found me again, hehe. Any pics on your blog on Gman and sis? hint hint
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
SHoot the perfectionisT
Alright so live has not changed since the previous entry, BUT i will not let my perfectionalitisic (is that word) personality alter my blog anymore. I am a ALL or nothing kind of person and I hate that it stops me from doing things. Yanno, sometimes you can't give something a 100% of what you want but that DOesn't mean it is not worthy of what you can give<------------me yelling at myself! So at the level to which life is functioning I know I can not keep up blogging like I did before, cute pictures with every post, funny stories, great use of punctuation (ha, just kidding) etc... However I love tracking our lives and sharing with all my family, friends, and bloggers our new experiences SO I am declaring right now that I will throw away my all or nothing attitude *that is stopping me from blogging* and just do my best! Deal?
Some updates:
Work is INSANE!! I am working long hours, 7:30am until 5pm, going home to do dinner and fun with the kids, bath and nightime rituals, put the kids to bed and go back to work around 8:30pm until 3:30am. I am doing a couple times a week and also a rigorous exercises program called P90X. If it was not for the intense workout everyday I would not have the energy to maintain the level I am at and so far it looks to stay intense through the summer. I am also happy to say that since Feb 2010, I have gone from a size 15 to a 9, I am LOVING it.
Daimen is brilliant as always and a complete Joy. He has had another Bday since my last post and It shocks me to admit I have a 12 year old son! Wow where did the time go? He is a superstar at school and tested into 9th grade level Allegra next year for high school credit (he is starting 7th grade).
I just got his final grades in and even moving 8weeks after the start of school into another district and Gifted classes he still managed to shock me....
Final Grade Averages for the year:
Reading 98
Math 95
PE 100
Band 95
Language 96
Science 97
Keyboarding 93
Social Studies 96
So Proud!!!
Gage is a rockstar....
he is growing out of his stomach sensitivities everyday,
eats like a champion,
is huge wearing size 3-4 toddler(only 17months people)
Loves going buhbye
has 16 teeth
says these new words: shoes, hi, buhbye really clear
says: where's Dada??? all the time lol, hmm where did he get that from?
That's it for now, will update more soon.
Some updates:
Work is INSANE!! I am working long hours, 7:30am until 5pm, going home to do dinner and fun with the kids, bath and nightime rituals, put the kids to bed and go back to work around 8:30pm until 3:30am. I am doing a couple times a week and also a rigorous exercises program called P90X. If it was not for the intense workout everyday I would not have the energy to maintain the level I am at and so far it looks to stay intense through the summer. I am also happy to say that since Feb 2010, I have gone from a size 15 to a 9, I am LOVING it.
Daimen is brilliant as always and a complete Joy. He has had another Bday since my last post and It shocks me to admit I have a 12 year old son! Wow where did the time go? He is a superstar at school and tested into 9th grade level Allegra next year for high school credit (he is starting 7th grade).
I just got his final grades in and even moving 8weeks after the start of school into another district and Gifted classes he still managed to shock me....
Final Grade Averages for the year:
Reading 98
Math 95
PE 100
Band 95
Language 96
Science 97
Keyboarding 93
Social Studies 96
So Proud!!!
Gage is a rockstar....
he is growing out of his stomach sensitivities everyday,
eats like a champion,
is huge wearing size 3-4 toddler(only 17months people)
Loves going buhbye
has 16 teeth
says these new words: shoes, hi, buhbye really clear
says: where's Dada??? all the time lol, hmm where did he get that from?
That's it for now, will update more soon.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A Ride

Ok, I really was never gone, just on a wild ride that I like to call "Life's Roller Coaster"! It has taken every bit of my energy and reserves to stay in my seat, hold onto the handlebars, and find some kind of enjoyment in all the chaos.

I will get into more on that soon, I promise but for now I wanted to say...I am still here (if anyone comes here anymore anyway), and that I will write more soon.
(They should've printed...MOM, WIFE, & that sign..

And self portrait...

I wouldn't change a thing...ok maybe more sleep, less snot, more...AHh never mind, I wouldn't change a thing!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A bee decided to go all evil on me and attack (fly into) my unsuspecting face, and I defended myself with my blackberry.
The bee won.
Family and friends to whom I "used" to have your number, please email or text message me with it please. My blackberry does work but the screen is black so I can see nothing. I do however have a new phone for bug fighting and maybe phone calling (if I ever get numbers in it again).
In other news: We have been busy body's
Work is keeping me past dark lately (nice to feel wanted and fought over, but am ready for some help)
Here are some recent Happens in our life....
In Gage's World.....
Gage has been a straight up "Monkey butt", fit throwing has become almost a daily occurrence which leads to figuring out the best plan of discipline (earlier than expected) for our 1 year old.
He has cut 3 molars in 3 weeks, poor baby. (1 to go)
Started taking steps the Sunday after his surgery. Not a full on walker by any means but big improvements in balance since the tubes were put in.
With the gracious help of M&P we painted his nursery this past weekend and it is awesome! I did not plan a easy paint job so it was a task for sure... THANKS a bunch M&P! (pictures soon)
He tried Dog food and had a belly ache and rash for days following the yummy treat....No, it did not sway him from wanting more so we had to move the dogs food from the kitchen.
He waves buh-bye now (usually not until you turn to walk away though).
Last night even, he started blowing kisses, SOooo cute.
Loves the show Yo Gabba
Because he loves the annoying show (above) he also got the first flat screen TV in our house, a 19inch tv with a dvd player built in, for watching his show in his room.
And lastly his vocab is getting larger these are the words so far in order:
Jay-Ya =Jabba= (dog) grrr
DaDa= (duh)
Nuc-nuc =Cat (thought it was the cat's name)
Sign language for dog- (grrrrrr)
Mama = (bout time son!)
Ca-ca = Cracker
Baba = bottle
Kitty = Cat (really high pitched when saying kitty)
Babo = Brother
and last night he added....
"Eh-Ar" =Guitar
In Daimen's World....
He moved up to 6th chair in band, from 11th I we are very proud.
He has been a huge help with his brother and even given me a (needed) 30min break here and there. He likes to invent toys to keep Gage busy.
Got straight A's on his report card.
Was grounded because he was wrestling with the neighborhood kids 5 houses down the street and all the kids were pretending they were in the UFC but not "pretending" when they were choking each other. ugh. Daimen did not choke anyone, actually was the one almost choked out, but was guilty by bad choices and served his time.
And lastly is attending a night out with Mom this weekend, where ever he wants to go.
JER & I....
Got each other a 32" flat screen Tv for Valentines day and will get it picked up this week.
Started a new diet two weeks ago and so far have lost a combined weight of 17lbs in 11 days but then you get 3 cheat days so we gained a few back,
Grand total combined weight loss
(including cheat days).......Drumroll........
13 Pounds
We just started our second rotation of the diet yesterday and are ready to loss loss loss.
It is a - 11 day on, 3 day off diet that tricks your metabolism into burning more and is by far the best diet plan yet (no starving).
I got my 5 year service award and received a gift from the company. A home theatre surround sound system. Jer hooked part of it up last night and I think it is going to be great.
that's it for now.....Please text or email me with your contact info...
A bee decided to go all evil on me and attack (fly into) my unsuspecting face, and I defended myself with my blackberry.
The bee won.
Family and friends to whom I "used" to have your number, please email or text message me with it please. My blackberry does work but the screen is black so I can see nothing. I do however have a new phone for bug fighting and maybe phone calling (if I ever get numbers in it again).
In other news: We have been busy body's
Work is keeping me past dark lately (nice to feel wanted and fought over, but am ready for some help)
Here are some recent Happens in our life....
In Gage's World.....
Gage has been a straight up "Monkey butt", fit throwing has become almost a daily occurrence which leads to figuring out the best plan of discipline (earlier than expected) for our 1 year old.
He has cut 3 molars in 3 weeks, poor baby. (1 to go)
Started taking steps the Sunday after his surgery. Not a full on walker by any means but big improvements in balance since the tubes were put in.
With the gracious help of M&P we painted his nursery this past weekend and it is awesome! I did not plan a easy paint job so it was a task for sure... THANKS a bunch M&P! (pictures soon)
He tried Dog food and had a belly ache and rash for days following the yummy treat....No, it did not sway him from wanting more so we had to move the dogs food from the kitchen.
He waves buh-bye now (usually not until you turn to walk away though).
Last night even, he started blowing kisses, SOooo cute.
Loves the show Yo Gabba
Because he loves the annoying show (above) he also got the first flat screen TV in our house, a 19inch tv with a dvd player built in, for watching his show in his room.
And lastly his vocab is getting larger these are the words so far in order:
Jay-Ya =Jabba= (dog) grrr
DaDa= (duh)
Nuc-nuc =Cat (thought it was the cat's name)
Sign language for dog- (grrrrrr)
Mama = (bout time son!)
Ca-ca = Cracker
Baba = bottle
Kitty = Cat (really high pitched when saying kitty)
Babo = Brother
and last night he added....
"Eh-Ar" =Guitar
In Daimen's World....
He moved up to 6th chair in band, from 11th I we are very proud.
He has been a huge help with his brother and even given me a (needed) 30min break here and there. He likes to invent toys to keep Gage busy.
Got straight A's on his report card.
Was grounded because he was wrestling with the neighborhood kids 5 houses down the street and all the kids were pretending they were in the UFC but not "pretending" when they were choking each other. ugh. Daimen did not choke anyone, actually was the one almost choked out, but was guilty by bad choices and served his time.
And lastly is attending a night out with Mom this weekend, where ever he wants to go.
JER & I....
Got each other a 32" flat screen Tv for Valentines day and will get it picked up this week.
Started a new diet two weeks ago and so far have lost a combined weight of 17lbs in 11 days but then you get 3 cheat days so we gained a few back,
Grand total combined weight loss
(including cheat days).......Drumroll........
13 Pounds
We just started our second rotation of the diet yesterday and are ready to loss loss loss.
It is a - 11 day on, 3 day off diet that tricks your metabolism into burning more and is by far the best diet plan yet (no starving).
I got my 5 year service award and received a gift from the company. A home theatre surround sound system. Jer hooked part of it up last night and I think it is going to be great.
that's it for now.....Please text or email me with your contact info...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sorry for the long hiatus but (there is always a but, right) life has been a bit curvy lately. To sum it up, sortly after Kollen flew home Gage's ear infection came back soon after it left (uninvited) and his allergy doc had exhausted all classes of antibiotics (to which he was allergic in some fashion to all of them). He sat on a ear infection for 4-5 days until we got in to see a ear, nose, and throat doc who scheduled surgery ASAP.
Adenoid gland removal, ear tubes, and a metabolic blood panel (immunity testing ish).
Fast forward 6 days and you get these pictures at 6am.....
Adenoid gland removal, ear tubes, and a metabolic blood panel (immunity testing ish).
Fast forward 6 days and you get these pictures at 6am.....

Here is Gage, sporting the new faboulous sea blue whale printed fashionable hospital johnny, he is ready for a day in the ice cold O.R. or a stroll through central park, to spice up the look he has dangled via a sporty metal clip, the new, hip, Paci clip. Yes people we know it doesn't match which is soooooooooooo 2010. Go get yourself hives from all the worlds antibiotics and you too can get a crazy stylish Johnny of your own.....

With a smile like that who knew he had been fasting.
the first child of the day (they go by age)
They took him back and the worry set in.
They took him back and the worry set in.
A very long 30 mins later
I could here my baby screaming across the corridor.
Insert another 2-5 mins
Insert another 2-5 mins
of me wanting to hurt someone if they don't lead me to my screaming baby.
45mins ish of...
Holding and comforting a writhing, screaming, crying, and very angry little boy. until the codeine kicks in and he falls asleep.
30mins ish
45mins ish of...
Holding and comforting a writhing, screaming, crying, and very angry little boy. until the codeine kicks in and he falls asleep.
30mins ish
We are home.
Arrived in the hospital at 6am and home at 9am. Success!
Gage's lungs are a bit junky from the breathing tube, his lip is split on one side where they had to stretch it open, and congestion I am assuming caused from having his glands what we are dealing with now.
Future.... A baby's whose ears drums function better than 50%, maybe he will start crawling or even walking (speaking of that a post coming soon), less snot production from his nose/ on my clothes, and most of all a happier less sick child.
I am excited to hopefully get off this rotation....
Infection - antibiotic-med allergic response-stop med-infection comes back-new antibiotic-med allergic response etc......
And I am sure Gage is also...
Arrived in the hospital at 6am and home at 9am. Success!
Gage's lungs are a bit junky from the breathing tube, his lip is split on one side where they had to stretch it open, and congestion I am assuming caused from having his glands what we are dealing with now.
Future.... A baby's whose ears drums function better than 50%, maybe he will start crawling or even walking (speaking of that a post coming soon), less snot production from his nose/ on my clothes, and most of all a happier less sick child.
I am excited to hopefully get off this rotation....
Infection - antibiotic-med allergic response-stop med-infection comes back-new antibiotic-med allergic response etc......
And I am sure Gage is also...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday Kollen!!

Love you Son!
We did celebrate in real life during his Christmas visit and at the Great Wolf Lodge on his actual Birthday Day, January 1st. It was the first time he has had a swimming celebration on his birthday, seeing as it was about 35-40 degrees ferinheight outside.
A Birthday celebration on New Years Eve shared with his brother Gage took place at M&P's before we left for the Lodge, I will post about it soon and of course the pictures of the amazing (difficult, stressful, frustrating, sorry Mu) cake she made, it was delightful.
For those of you who may be confused, Kollen came into my life when his Dad did, 6 years ago, he is a great boy and a wonderful son who is a huge part of our family. He lives further away then we would like (3 hour plane ride), but enjoy the time when he is here the most. I am honored that this boy calls me Mum.
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