As I stated before our not enough room for our family only a two bedroom house is under contract (still), the guy that is trying to buy it is having financing issues, closing keeps getting pushed back, add the whole school is starting (crap that came quickly) thing, piled with house hunting, working full time, trying to keep the house in showing condition (and failing), at work the OMG it is quarterly(all the VP’s and President of the company come to see how we are spending all those millions), Gage cutting 3 teeth at the same time, and right in the middle of that we got “sorry I can’t watch Gage anymore” babysitter situation, which lead to the “you got one week to find quality care” that usually has a 8 month waiting list or at one hot spot daycare I got the, “we might be able to fit him in when he is 4.
*SIGH* as you can see life has been easy squeezy, or maybe I am talking about my belly.
Well as I mentioned above Gage is running a teething marathon and thinks that pushing one tooth through at a time is for losers, two at a time is wimpy, so he wants to be original and go for three. Since Thursday he has made it real clear he is not happy about the chomper situation with added sleep deprivation even (we are talking waking every 45 mins deprivation). He has both front bottom and we all know what is coming next, the top ones right, so I have been applying oragel for the last five days to his terribly over swollen top gums. I only get one shot with the numbing gel until he locks his mouth like a 3 foot deep metal safe at the nations gold storage facility. A fan of oragel he is not! Last night while changing him I noticed a white spec on the lower right bottom next to the tooth he pushed through last, YOU GOT IT, he cut one through on the bottom left entirely out of popular order and previously unseen by me(drawing/picture below if you are a visual learner). I felt really bad I had not been putting gel on that area, but how was I suppose to know his teeth were NOT playing by the rules? Is this a sign of things to come?
ON a happier note, we found out about a free splash park in our local area, we have lived here 10 years and am just now finding this place, WOW, I am usually up to date on free fun, I must be getting rusty. Gage was really cranky so we decided to get his mind off his gums and onto his favorite pleasure, water. He has no fear of splashing, drinking, showering down water. Weird, yuh a bit, but makes for cute pictures.
Look both our babes enjoying the baby swings or alternatively titled “Daimen’s girlfriend blackmail”…..
Daimen came home from what seemed like months but was really 3 weeks with his dad. He came to the splash park and also enjoyed it. It is good to have him home again. He is my jolly green (but not) giant…..
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