AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Friday, September 17, 2010

Jump Around

What have we been up to you ask (so, you didn't ask, I just want to tell, SO listen)?

There has been lots of Jumping...

TOns of Falling....

An enormous amount of Water Spray and Stink-Face

Topped with more outragous Jumping...............

This is the best toy yet, and we love it enough to sleep with/on it.

(and it safely cages the wild beast (gage))

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To Be or Not to Bee (x's 3)

A week ago......

To make matters (more entertaining) worse......3 DAYS BEFORE
Scene: Walking the neighborhood looking for the stupid cat
Daimen - "I have never been stung by a bee"
Mom - "Son, you better watch what you say, those are famous last words"