AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother

Monday, August 30, 2010

KidZ Cracked Up

Who knew a trip to get shots at the Doc's could be so much fun....

1 great kid (+) a bag of Funions (x) the new breaking skill = a great time!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And Then

Friday the 23rd, the baby and I flew out of our small town airport in a "turbo prop" tiny tiny plane...
The baby screamed when it took off, shaking down the runway, and I tinkled a bit.

He did become a pro after awhile, yanno, he is a thrill seeker and wouldn't let anything like shaking seats and rattling metal stop his curiosity.

"MOM, are we there yet?"

After a long day of airport running, security, more running (to catch a delayed plane!!), some waiting, followed by a shuttle van driven by a gentleman whom must have been in a delusion involing a yellow cab and New York City traffic. The van ride should have had the traditional amusement park warnings......

We did get to see, the Swan & the Dolphin Hotel on Disney Property and the coolest transport around.

All in all, Gage did swimmingly! and I, well I, Survived!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Beginning

Thursday Morning, July 22nd, the Road Warriors departed in delight, from what I heard, they had a blast! and arrived a whole um 14 HOURS earlier than the map program said!.!. Slow down Pappy, ha!
Not only where they fast but they got some sight seeing in along the way...

Monday, August 2, 2010

We're Back

Check out my THINGS....