Dear Jabba,
My girl, the only “daughter” in my life (until the boys get married), the only other women in my house, the greatest furbaby i could ever have, my protector, adorable 55lbs of wrinkles that graciously took a back seat when Gage was born and never rebelled one bit, girl, you are the best. Really!!!
As a puppy you were a “stand out”, over 20 wrinkles on you little tail, everyone loved you, strutting you unbalanced body around, snorting like a little piglet cause your pallet was so long it was suffocating you. After surgery to help you breath girl, I will admit, I did miss the snorting and wished I had taped it, but was happy you could breath and WOW, what energy you had then.

You are a bit neurotic when it comes to cutting your nails so I do have to drug you for your own sanity and heart heath, but look, you still snuggle after a bath, even with your sweater on, hyped up on doggy crack (I was not strangling you but merely helping to hold your head up)

As a teenager and adult you defiantly started to show you protective side and were not shy at voicing your will at strangers, even cars driving by. We tried to keep you socialized but you are you, and that is that.
However big girl, I got to tell ya, I am kind of, um well *looking down, jamming heel into the dirt*, JEALOUS!
Shamefully for several reasons I have the green eye of envy…..
My girl, the only “daughter” in my life (until the boys get married), the only other women in my house, the greatest furbaby i could ever have, my protector, adorable 55lbs of wrinkles that graciously took a back seat when Gage was born and never rebelled one bit, girl, you are the best. Really!!!
As a puppy you were a “stand out”, over 20 wrinkles on you little tail, everyone loved you, strutting you unbalanced body around, snorting like a little piglet cause your pallet was so long it was suffocating you. After surgery to help you breath girl, I will admit, I did miss the snorting and wished I had taped it, but was happy you could breath and WOW, what energy you had then.
You are a bit neurotic when it comes to cutting your nails so I do have to drug you for your own sanity and heart heath, but look, you still snuggle after a bath, even with your sweater on, hyped up on doggy crack (I was not strangling you but merely helping to hold your head up)
As a teenager and adult you defiantly started to show you protective side and were not shy at voicing your will at strangers, even cars driving by. We tried to keep you socialized but you are you, and that is that.
Girl, we even shared a pillow with that pesky kitty friend of yours and daddy's!

However big girl, I got to tell ya, I am kind of, um well *looking down, jamming heel into the dirt*, JEALOUS!
Shamefully for several reasons I have the green eye of envy…..
(Not for the reason you are thinking....I have No urge to be able to clean my own bottom with my mouth! )
You get to lie around and sleep all day (yes girl I found out)
Your wrinkles look fantastic without moisturizer
Let’s face it; you get to walk around in the “buff”, ALL the time
You don’t have to take off any clothes to go potty
You get to potty where ever, when ever, you want (I am grateful that you hold it while I am working though)
Never once do you have to wonder if your hips or booty is too big
You get to lie around and sleep all day (yes girl I found out)
Your wrinkles look fantastic without moisturizer
Let’s face it; you get to walk around in the “buff”, ALL the time
You don’t have to take off any clothes to go potty
You get to potty where ever, when ever, you want (I am grateful that you hold it while I am working though)
Never once do you have to wonder if your hips or booty is too big
Get to chase the cat
You don’t have to cut your nails, clean your ears, or bath everyday (so yeah, I don’t either but we are talking about YOU here)
And most of all girl….my one and only time left, last chance ever, been working on for 9 months now, son’s first word is not mama, nor dada, he said.......
as he chased you in his walker, pfftt.. traitor!
You don’t have to cut your nails, clean your ears, or bath everyday (so yeah, I don’t either but we are talking about YOU here)
And most of all girl….my one and only time left, last chance ever, been working on for 9 months now, son’s first word is not mama, nor dada, he said.......
as he chased you in his walker, pfftt.. traitor!