OH you agree, GREAT!
Moving on….
Gage’s sleeping habits were painfully (on me) interrupted for the last month or more. First was his nasty two week long stomach virus, then we had 3 glorious days until he caught another little stomach bug complete with fever and 7 more days of yuck. After that a couple days of mostly uninterrupted brain rest and SMACK, complete disruption, which has been going on for about 6 days now. By disruption I mean waking up 15-20 times (not joking) during my 5-6 hours of allotted sleep a night, fitful sleeping, and crying awake, I will admit I have been perplexed as to its cause. Well I should say was perplexed because the mystery was solved last night when Gage gave my finger a bite and it hurt.
Poor baby has been in pain from a pearly white jagged object erupting through his innocent previously unscathed gums. His very first tooth, we can say he is now on the fairy's rooster for future payment.
This tooth to be exact.

Gage would not let me touch it again, he is and has been sucking his lips, tongue, and fingers for the last week, and my finger is not on his suck list so he waves his hands furiously when I try to touch it.
Last night I gave him Motrin and Oragel before bed and he did sleep better, not great but better.
In other news Gage is a water baby, this past Sunday he had his first real pool time and he loved it. He splashed manically and so wiggly it was like trying to keep a greased baby piggy above water. Since the pool adventure his bath time has gotten more interesting, there is as much water on the floor, walls, and myself than in the tub when he is through (ok a bit over represented but you get it). He does not care how much water hits his face or goes down his throat and sometimes lets out a giggle after the initial face splash.
After bath time is a very cute burrito baby
In other other news….KOLLEN is here and we are excited (even though his visit began with a bunch of selfish baby momma drama, missed flights, ignorance, wasted vacation day, did I say inconsiderate baby momma drama yet, and Pappy, Sarah, and Andy picking him up 12 hours later than planned, did I say ignorant or inconsiderate drama yet). He is an amazing child and we are so happy he is here for 6 weeks.
In other other other (but no less important) news, Sarah (youngest sister in-law) and Andy are to be marriaged Saturday and we will be heading to M&Ps tomorrow for rehearsal, dinner, bachelor and ette parties, a bit of sleep and the blessed day of marriage festivities. This is the first time I will be in a wedding not as the bride that is. We are very excited and happy for SANDY (yanno Sarah and Andy)!