AUTHOR - A Very Blessed Wife & Mother
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy B-day times 2
This weekend we celebrated three Birthdays: Mu's, Jer's, and my sister in-law's, we will call her L. Happy Birthday Guys!! We went to M&P's house and had a little get together. Pappy put on a video, well more of a slide show of Jer, myself, and the family going to Crystal's in Dallas shortly after he proposed to me, the music was "going to the chapel and we're gonna get married" (which I could not get out of my head for two whole days). Anyway, it was amazing to see Daimen 5yrs ago, he was so little. He was 5 then but his little face has not changed to much but he was a tiny little boy. I almost forgot he was ever that little. We love you Daimen, you are becoming a little man so quickly, Slow Down. We had to leave M&P's early because Gage ran out of formula. It was a good thing we left when we did because he realized he was starving as soon as we got in the house. The ride home took about 70mins and he slept the whole way *yay*.
For those of you keeping track Gage is doing sooooooooooo much better on the new formula, from now on I will be calling it Gold because it costs just as much, I think. However, he is doing great on it, we do have to add cereal to it because it is so thin and also brown sugar for constipation from the cereal and to help with the taste. He is napping and sleeping wonderfully, last night he ate at 9pm and slept until almost 5am this morning, only waking to have his pacifier about twice. Ahhhh sleep was and is nice. He is also developing a witching hour, between 630pm and 730 he is a mess, even if he ate at 530, we need to feed him again during his witching hour or he is inconsolable. The rest of the day he is all smiles and coo's. He is using his thunder thighs much more these days, when you burp him over you shoulder he is jumping with those little big legs, it is almost time to bring out the Johnny Jumper.
Ok if you are wondering what the other Bday in the title stands for it means.....Bath Day. Last night Gage needed a bath and I had mine in the am. He usually baths or showers with me as he is too big for the plastic tub. Gage loves his baths, he smiles and kicks around. Well last night Jer and I tried something new, we put him in the big tub without the baby tub. I added about 2 inches of water and put a burp rage under his head just to put his head a bit higher. Well he loved it, he kicked and splashed forever it seemed (about 30mins) and would have stayed longer if we let him. Here is a pic showing all the water moving as Gage was pretending he was Michael Phelps before I snapped the photo. ****A Blogger Lesson**** the pictures are pixelated because they are bigger than shown, you can click on them to see the big picture. That concludes today's blogger lesson, until next time click away!!
For those of you keeping track Gage is doing sooooooooooo much better on the new formula, from now on I will be calling it Gold because it costs just as much, I think. However, he is doing great on it, we do have to add cereal to it because it is so thin and also brown sugar for constipation from the cereal and to help with the taste. He is napping and sleeping wonderfully, last night he ate at 9pm and slept until almost 5am this morning, only waking to have his pacifier about twice. Ahhhh sleep was and is nice. He is also developing a witching hour, between 630pm and 730 he is a mess, even if he ate at 530, we need to feed him again during his witching hour or he is inconsolable. The rest of the day he is all smiles and coo's. He is using his thunder thighs much more these days, when you burp him over you shoulder he is jumping with those little big legs, it is almost time to bring out the Johnny Jumper.
Ok if you are wondering what the other Bday in the title stands for it means.....Bath Day. Last night Gage needed a bath and I had mine in the am. He usually baths or showers with me as he is too big for the plastic tub. Gage loves his baths, he smiles and kicks around. Well last night Jer and I tried something new, we put him in the big tub without the baby tub. I added about 2 inches of water and put a burp rage under his head just to put his head a bit higher. Well he loved it, he kicked and splashed forever it seemed (about 30mins) and would have stayed longer if we let him. Here is a pic showing all the water moving as Gage was pretending he was Michael Phelps before I snapped the photo. ****A Blogger Lesson**** the pictures are pixelated because they are bigger than shown, you can click on them to see the big picture. That concludes today's blogger lesson, until next time click away!!
In this picture you can not see, but Daddy was recording some video and when he leaned over the tub and was making noises to get Gage's attention, his teeth fell out and landed to the left of the baby's head as seen in the picture below. Jer snatched them out of the tub and put them right back in his mouth (you can see his hands going to get them hahahaha). I just happened to have the camera in my hand.
Hey can you keep a secret? Just between you, Gage, myself and well I guess the world wide web, don't tell daddy but Gage pee peed in the water at the start of his bath and Daddy just put his teeth right back in his mouth!!!!! ewwww
And when splash time is over, the burrito man is born. He likes his towels warmed before he is wrapped in them, can we say spoiled!Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Un-wordless Wednesday
I know this is suppose to be wordless Wednesday but I have a bit to say. Today Gage had his 2 month appointment, yanno the horrible shoot up the baby one (vaccinations). He had 3 shots, a oral med and a knock on the head, all in one very long hour, wearing only his baby panties (for those of you confused that is a diaper). The knock on the head was a accident from the Dr's elbow not some kind of new vaccine however the 3 needles in his poor little and by little I mean huge thunder thighs, poor little guy. I will admit I shed more tears than he did and i did have to stay in the exam room for a few extra minutes after he was calmed down to try and calm myself, it sure did hurt my heart. The Dr. is putting him on this really smelly, expensive formula called alimentum, it is hypoallergenic. He thinks Gage has a protein allergy and that is why the other formulas are not working. He gave us a weeks worth to give a try. I have done some Internet searching and I think I found a place to get this expensive formula at a discount, we will see. Ok enough with the bad news, the good news is that Gage is a chubby super star, weighing in at a large and in charge 15lbs 1oz and measuring 24 and 3/4 inches. He is off the dr's growth charts, and I could not be prouder of my little peanut butter (nickname which is a combo of little peanut and butterball turkey). Other than a case of thrush he is very healthy and we do not have to visit the needle nazi for 2 more months. Gage is not as fussy as I thought he was going to be considering his attack today but he is super sleepy, I can sympathize.
In other news we had some people view our house last week, two different couples even. The second couple has our house listed second on their make a offer list, so please pray pray pray that if it is his will God is going t0 make this work.

In other news we had some people view our house last week, two different couples even. The second couple has our house listed second on their make a offer list, so please pray pray pray that if it is his will God is going t0 make this work.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Surgery & Maternity
Mu had her surgery today. It was postponed until later in the day but we were relieved to here that she is ok and it was considered successful, so far. We are thinking about and praying for you Mu! Get well soon.

If you care to see more you can go to the maternity section of the website listed above, I must tell you that some of the pics are more on the sensitive side of maternity photos (no nudity but more skin then these).
Some of you have expressed interest in my maternity pictures. We found a great new photographer through a work friend of mine. She just started up her business and needed a pregnant model for her website http://www.jackbphotography.com/index.html gallery. It was a perfect union I must say. She came out to the house and shot a lot of photos, it was so much fun. She did a wonderful job and made us feel comfortable. If you need a photographer and are in the E. Texas area, look her up. Here are a few of my favorites....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh the crud
Erica, Mel, and Todd & Kim, Thanks for getting a account and commenting.
Todd is my brother and Kim my sister-inlaw and they both just had a beautiful baby girl, I will call her E until they give me permission to post her name. E and Gage both have the cutest chubby cheeks, you baked that baby perfectly Kim.
We went to Mu and Pappe's (my mother and father in-law) house this past Saturday. We missed my birthday celebration and the Superbowl watching party with them the Sunday before because Mu was not sure if she had a virus and a few other family members had a cold. The birthday celebration was great and the song was hard on the ears but we had lots of fun. We laughed a lot. I got some neat stuff, a awesome cross necklace, bathrobe, and PJ pants. M & P gave me a very sweet card about Daughter in-laws and it choked me up a bit. Thanks guys.
I started feeling sick while at M&P's and just hoped it was nothing, well it was a bit more than nothing and I have spent my time since then feverish and icky. Jer did great taking care of me and the baby. So far I am the only one sick (knocking on wood), I am washing my hands so much they are cracking because they are so dry. Mu is having surgery tomorrow so please pray for her speedy recovery and successful surgery. Mu I am thinking about you, Pappe make sure you take embarrassing pics like you do before my surgeries.
Daimen went with his Meme (my mom) yesterday and got spoiled as usual. They went and saw Coraline. Daimen loved it and and Meme said it was good except it has a part with cartoon nudity in it, very inappropriate for a kid's movie. A character with a G-string on....Shame on you Tim Burton.
Gage is so awesome, he is meeting all his milestones early. First of all he is so long, off the charts at the Dr's office, his weight is in the 95 percentile. He started smiling at 3 1/2 weeks and is now showing signs of laughing. He has not laughed yet but he makes little noises when he smiles and I can tell it is coming. He has outgrown a whole tote full of clothes already and is wearing PJ's size 6months. I love that he is growing but wish he would slow down, instead I will just remember to cherish it the best I can and this blog is a great way to document his growth, I wish I had one when Daimen was a baby. We are slowly changing his formula again to help with his stomach issues, please pray that this is the right one, I will keep you posted on the outcome. This week I hope to post Gage's birth story and pics from that day for now I leave you with a pic of my 3 favorite little men.
This is the boys Christmas morning...
Todd is my brother and Kim my sister-inlaw and they both just had a beautiful baby girl, I will call her E until they give me permission to post her name. E and Gage both have the cutest chubby cheeks, you baked that baby perfectly Kim.
We went to Mu and Pappe's (my mother and father in-law) house this past Saturday. We missed my birthday celebration and the Superbowl watching party with them the Sunday before because Mu was not sure if she had a virus and a few other family members had a cold. The birthday celebration was great and the song was hard on the ears but we had lots of fun. We laughed a lot. I got some neat stuff, a awesome cross necklace, bathrobe, and PJ pants. M & P gave me a very sweet card about Daughter in-laws and it choked me up a bit. Thanks guys.
I started feeling sick while at M&P's and just hoped it was nothing, well it was a bit more than nothing and I have spent my time since then feverish and icky. Jer did great taking care of me and the baby. So far I am the only one sick (knocking on wood), I am washing my hands so much they are cracking because they are so dry. Mu is having surgery tomorrow so please pray for her speedy recovery and successful surgery. Mu I am thinking about you, Pappe make sure you take embarrassing pics like you do before my surgeries.
Daimen went with his Meme (my mom) yesterday and got spoiled as usual. They went and saw Coraline. Daimen loved it and and Meme said it was good except it has a part with cartoon nudity in it, very inappropriate for a kid's movie. A character with a G-string on....Shame on you Tim Burton.
Gage is so awesome, he is meeting all his milestones early. First of all he is so long, off the charts at the Dr's office, his weight is in the 95 percentile. He started smiling at 3 1/2 weeks and is now showing signs of laughing. He has not laughed yet but he makes little noises when he smiles and I can tell it is coming. He has outgrown a whole tote full of clothes already and is wearing PJ's size 6months. I love that he is growing but wish he would slow down, instead I will just remember to cherish it the best I can and this blog is a great way to document his growth, I wish I had one when Daimen was a baby. We are slowly changing his formula again to help with his stomach issues, please pray that this is the right one, I will keep you posted on the outcome. This week I hope to post Gage's birth story and pics from that day for now I leave you with a pic of my 3 favorite little men.
This is the boys Christmas morning...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Jer, the 4th men in my heart, love of my life, husband of 4yrs, and wonderful father to my children. He is very musically talented, singing, writing, and playing guitar. Jer has many hobbies, so many he really can not concentrate or finish anything without finding better interest in another. He gets in what I call "boxes" of interests, each box only lasts a few weeks. Examples for a few weeks he will consume all his free time and money on all things Metallica, then without notice the box will change and the Metallica stuff is left behind and not spoke of again unless he lands in that box again. He will not leave a "box" unless a new one is to be had. You would think this is annoying but i find it interesting and kinda funny. I believe he just has so many talents and not enough time in one day. I am a worry-wart and always thinking about our future, besides love Jer adds a big missing piece to my life's pie chart, its the one labeled FUN.
Jer loves watching cartoons and playing games with the boys, I love that he stays young in that sense. He has a huge family including 3 sisters and their husbands, wonderful parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, niece and nephew all of which I am so proud and honored to call my family. I feel like they were my family from the beginning, their comfort and acceptance is truly amazing. Love you guys *wave*

Wow I can not say enough about my first born Daimen. He is just brilliant. Daimen was born when I was 19 and has two wonderful dad's full time in his life, my husband his step-dad and his father. Daimen also has two Moms, myself and his step-mom and between both families 3 brothers and a sister. He will be the first to tell you how much he likes having the luxuries of two families, 2 times the love and holiday celebrations.
Daimen is in the gifted and talented class at school constantly impressing me with how smart he is. He is very much into gaming, computers, collecting, and creating. His maturity spans years past his age. When Kollen comes down to visit they play so well together and you can tell he loves being the big brother. He was a easy baby, toddler, child, and now little man. He has a very sensitive soul and lights up my day. I must say that I feel privileged to have him as my son. I leave you with a picture of Daimen with one of his creations from the legos he got for Christmas.
Daimen is in the gifted and talented class at school constantly impressing me with how smart he is. He is very much into gaming, computers, collecting, and creating. His maturity spans years past his age. When Kollen comes down to visit they play so well together and you can tell he loves being the big brother. He was a easy baby, toddler, child, and now little man. He has a very sensitive soul and lights up my day. I must say that I feel privileged to have him as my son. I leave you with a picture of Daimen with one of his creations from the legos he got for Christmas.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kollen, is the greatest step-son a women could ask for. He is one of the most energetic but well behaved 7yr olds I know. He calls me mom and I love him like my own. He is one of my sons. We see him 3 times a year, a week at Christmas, spring break, and the month of July. He is really into music, sports, clothes, hip-hop dancing and MP3 Players. He loves and puts his big brother on a pedestal, and on the other hand he is so excited for his little brother to grow and play with him. We spoke with him the other day and he is ready for his April visit. He is having a hard time in school because the other kids distract him. We have a surprise for him when he comes down, we are taking the boys to there very favorite place, http://www.greatwolf.com/grapevine/waterpark. I leave you with a picture of Kollen at Christmas, Enjoy

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